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They must be on the other side of the house, towards the courtyard which seems to be hemmed in by the blank walls of the other houses." "And at the front of the house?" "There is a low wall in front which shuts off the courtyard from a narrow, ill-kept street." "Yes, I see it myself now. The street is bordered mainly by gardens and vacant lots." "Yes, sir, that is it."

A man can only speak so long as he does not feel his speech to be partial and inadequate. It is partial, but he does not see it to be so whilst he utters it. As soon as he is released from the instinctive and particular and sees its partiality, he shuts his mouth in disgust.

Here is the world humanity has made: will you take full citizenship in it, or will you live in it as dull, as slow to receive, as unenfranchised, as the idlers for whom civilization has no uses, or the deadened toilers, men or beasts, whose labor shuts the door on choice?

Sanjaya said, "Unto him thus possessed with pity, his eyes filled and oppressed with tears, and desponding, the slayer of Madhu said these words." "The Holy One said, 'Whence, O Arjuna, hath come upon thee, at such a crisis, this despondency that is unbecoming a person of noble birth, that shuts one out from heaven, and that is productive of infamy? Let no effeminacy be thine, O son of Kunti.

Nature's hygiene is very little understood, but it is at the same time very simple and very powerful. The sun contains the great mystery of health and hardihood, and the man who carefully shuts himself away from its rays is arranging for the same kind of existence which the unfortunate plant is forced to experience, growing under the shelter of a rotten log, succulent, tender and perishable.

He shuts himself up in here, and won't have a female cross the threshold nor yet Madam G. herself." Having given final instructions, Mahony went out to rejoin the lady. "I will not conceal from you that your husband is in a very precarious condition." "Do you mean, doctor, he won't live long?" She had evidently been lying down: one side of her face was flushed and marked.

This he does in his spirit, and in the body just so far as he dares to speak with others from his spirit without fear of the loss of reputation as a means to honor and gain. When man is such, he gradually shuts up the spiritual mind closer and closer.

"But how am I to get you out?" asked Sam-Chaong. "The boulder that shuts you in is too large for human hands to move, and so, though I pity you in your misfortune and greatly desire your help to guide me along the unknown paths that lie before me, I fear that the task of setting you free must fall to other hands than mine." "Deliverance is more easy than you imagine," replied the monkey.

Well! at length he clears his throat uncommon loud; so I spreads my duster, and shuts my eyes all ready; but when nought comed of it, I opened my eyes a little bit to see what he were about. My word! if there he wasn't down on his knees right facing me, staring as hard as he could. Well!

To-day, to-day, oh! how different everything is!" exclaimed Laura, with a little shudder. "The sky that shuts in the lawn yonder seems to shut in my life with it. I can't look forward. If I was going to be parted from Philip to-day, instead of married to him, I don't think I could feel more miserable than I feel now. Why is it, Elizabeth, dear?" "My goodness gracious me!" cried Mrs.