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"May you choke with my gun, you devil," says Slyunka, with his face twitching, and his shoulders, shrugging. "May you choke, you plague, you scoundrelly soul." Swearing and shaking his fists, he goes out of the tavern with Ryabov and stands still in the middle of the road. "He won't give it, the damned brute," he says, in a weeping voice, looking into Ryabov's face with an injured air.

He walked with quick, elastic step, carried his head a little on one side, and had a habit, when anything struck his fancy pleasantly, of shrugging his shoulders and rubbing his hands together in a vigorous way, that seemed to declare in unmistakable terms that he was glad all over!

I finished some verses yesterday, which I am rather satisfied with. I will read them to you." With this, Agricola wiped his hands naturally on the front of his blouse, while Mother Bunch replaced the basin on the chest of drawers, and laid the flower against the side of it. "Can't you ask for a towel," said Frances, shrugging her shoulders, "instead of wiping your hands on your blouse?"

"An' so you cut an' run?" put in Tode, as the girl paused. "Yes and I'll never go back to her, but I don't know what I can do. Do you know any place where I can stay and work for Little Brother?" The dark eyes looked up into the boy's face with a wistful, pleading glance, as the girl spoke. "I'd know no place," replied Tode, shrugging his shoulders carelessly.

"They will say that Austria has sacrificed the welfare and greatness of Germany to her own private interests," exclaimed Count Cobenzl, anxiously. "Fools are they who care for what people will say!" replied Bonaparte, shrugging his shoulders. "A prudent man will pursue his path directly toward his aim, and the hum of babblers never disturbs him.

"Poor Raoul!" said Athos, sighing deeply. "Poor Raoul!" said D'Artagnan, shrugging his shoulders. Miser! "Poor Raoul!" had said Athos. "Poor Raoul!" had said D'Artagnan: and, in point of fact, to be pitied by both these men, Raoul must indeed have been most unhappy.

A cynical smile played over the face of Curtis Waring. "Do you propose to get him back?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders. "I am right," thought Bolton, shrewdly. "From his manner it is easy to see that Curtis is quite at ease as regards Dodger. He knows where he is!" "You asked me what business I came about, Mr. Waring," he said, after a pause. "Yes."

If she had fallen in love with the owl of Minerva, or cut off her auburn tresses, or turned rope-dancer, there might have been some shrugging of shoulders, but no one would have tried to analyze the motive; but so much his profound sagacity enabled him to see, that, if there was one thing more than another likely to sicken Agellius of Christianity, it was to find one who was so precious to him suffering from the suspicion of it.

"If he could hear you, he would be charmed with the outlook," muttered the young woman, shrugging her shoulders. "Sara, do you comprehend the situation altogether? The Pollard type of submarine boat is now the most formidable and dangerous in the world and only the United States Government can buy boats from the makers!

"No," replied the Pole deprecatingly, shrugging his shoulders and spreading out his hands, "I haf not seen her. If she come here, I shut the door upon her. I say, 'I vil haf no runaway wives here. My fren, before you vos marrit did not I say, a truant daughter make a truant wife. She haf left me first, now she haf left you."