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As they emit themselves, facts are shower'd over with light the daylight is lit with more volatile light the deep between the setting and rising sun goes deeper many fold.

The marriage-bower received the happy pair, And love and transport shower'd their blessings there. Ere from his lofty sphere the morn had thrown His glittering radiance, and in splendour shone, The mindful Champion, from his sinewy arm, His bracelet drew, the soul-ennobling charm; And, as he held the wondrous gift with pride, He thus address'd his love-devoted bride!

My Lord Alcippus, are you pleas'd with this? Alcip. Sir, I am so pleas'd, so truly pleas'd with it, That Heaven, without this Blessing on my Prince, Had found but little trouble from my thanks, For all they have shower'd on me; 'Twas all I wisht, next my Pretensions here. King. Then to compleat thy happiness, Take Galatea, since her Passion merits thee, As do thy Virtues her. Er.

"Feeding on thy sweet cheek, while thy lips are With lava-kisses melting while they burn, Shower'd on his eyelids, brow and mouth as from an urn." That may be eminently satisfactory to Mars, but scarce proper for Venus. It is exciting, but not scientific.

There stood Within the entrance, as if keeping guard Of those fine things, one of a high-souled aspect, Stalwart withal, of whom I was in doubt Whether to think him better knight or leader. He, with a look at once benign and grave, In royal guise, invited me within; He, great and in esteem; me, lorn and lowly. Oh, the sensations and the sights which then Shower'd on me!