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No less an authority than Martin A. Rooney states: "Every fifth shovel full of coal that the average fireman throws into his furnace serves no more useful purpose than to decorate the atmosphere with a long black stream of precious soot. At best one-fifth of all our coal is wasted."

We were axle-deep in it and had the shovel in use to clear the way, when Burns came upon us. By night we were safely encamped at Meacham, with the cheering news that the monument had arrived and could be dedicated the next day. The summit of the mountain had not been reached, and the worst tug lay ahead of us.

Hold the frying pan handle in your left hand, and, as the eggs whiten, carefully, with a spoon, draw up lightly from the bottom, letting the raw part run out on the pan, till all be equally cooked; shake with your left hand, till the omelet be free from the pan, then turn with a spoon one half of the omelet over the other; let it remain a moment, but continue shaking, lest it adhere; toss to a warm platter held in the right hand, or lift with a flat, broad shovel; the omelet will be firm around the edge, but creamy and light inside.

Tibbs placed the poker at right angles with the fire shovel, and essayed to speak, but recollected he had nothing to say. ‘The young ladies,’ continued Mrs. T., ‘have kindly volunteered to bring their own piano.’ Tibbs thought of the volunteer story, but did not venture it. A bright thought struck him‘It’s very likely—’ said he. ‘Pray don’t lean your head against the paper,’ interrupted Mrs.

When the young adventurers awoke the next morning, there was no abatement in the storm. A huge drift covered the boulder and the place where their fire had been, and nearly enclosed the front of the lean-to; and before they could lay a fire, a half hour's hard work was necessary to clear the snow away, each using a snowshoe in lieu of a shovel.

It was as startling a metamorphosis as though the man had been touched with a magician's wand. "Thank you," answered Donaldson on a deep intake of breath. "I shall be glad to come." "Drop your shovel then and come along now." "No," he replied, as he dug his spade deep into the soil, "I can't quit my job. The whistle blows at noon." At noon! At the seventh noon, the whistle was to blow!

The others were as curious as he, and using their axes, as a sort of combined pick and shovel, dug away at the ground surrounded by the stumps. In a few minutes, Phil's axe struck something hard, and abandoning his axe, he scratched the earth away with his fingers.

Now arrived on the scene the "swampers" and cross-cut men, swarming over the prostrate tree like ants over a piece of sugar. Some of them cut off limbs; others, with axes and crowbars, began to pry away great slabs of bark; still others, with much precaution of shovel, wedge and axe against jamming, commenced the slow and laborious undertaking of sawing apart the logs.

Oh, I wish Eph would turn up." Then Jack took a good grip on the shovel. Clank! spink! spink! Having been so recently moved, this dirt was easy to dig. Yet, suddenly, there came a new note on the night air. "Jack, O Jack!" sounded in Hal's frantic tones. "Quick!" "Eh?" called Captain Benson. "What's the row? Come here and see what I can show you!" "No! You come here quick!"

He had seen many openings before, but this was peculiar for the reason that one edge of the rocks looked as if it had been drilled and blasted away. More than this, within the split lay the broken-off handle of a shovel. "Oh, what if I have found the lost mine!" he thought.