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Following the usual custom of sentinels, he shouldered his gun and paced back and forth before the smoldering camp-fire, glancing in every direction, so as to make sure that no enemy stole upon him unawares.

The sale over, speech-making was about to begin, when Lincoln observed some strong symptoms of inattention in his audience which had taken that particular moment to engage in a a general fight. Lincoln saw that one of his friends was suffering more than he liked, and stepping into the crowd he shouldered them sternly away from his man until he met a fellow who refused to fall back.

"And the mails and the luggage?" I asked. "Go over same way." "The cart and horses?" "Don't go over at all. Get fresh ones on other side. There was once a box on the river for hauling them over, but it's been damaged." The process of crossing was begun at once. The driver and some workmen shouldered the bags and baggage, while the passengers of whom there were three followed to the central pier.

To these melancholy mutterings, the liner, insouciant, and not caring a peg for any philosophy save that of the open road shouldered along through jewel-green waves, and remarked, "Chug-chug, chug-chug!" Mr. Payne was inclined to quarrel with the Tent-Maker on one score only. He did not think that he was to-day what he was yesterday. Yesterday figuratively speaking he had hope.

"Comes as natural as breathin' to him. We trailed a hoss to this here wickiup" the hot lust of the man-hunt was in the cowboy's eyes as he swung down "and we aim to see who was ridin' him!" Houck and his three companions sat their horses as the fourth member of the posse shouldered the old Indian aside and entered the shack.

Now that Haimberger had shouldered a gun, and presented himself for service at the barricades, however, Bakunin had greeted him none the less joyfully.

They are a rough set of brutes rank bullies, I should say; for I have watched them repeatedly as a big one shouldered his way among his fellows, reared his huge front to intimidate some lesser seal which had secured a favorite spot, and first with howls, and if this did not suffice, with teeth and main force, expelled the weaker from his lodgment.

The blow showed the power in her young arms and shoulders. The lion rolled over and over, half stunned. "Quick!" she advised the victim of the lion's attack. "He'll be back at us." Indeed, scarcely had she spoken when the brute scrambled to its feet. The girl shouldered the gun and pulled the other trigger as the beast leaped. There was no report.

Leaning over the parapet, he could see one of his fantastically uniformed soldiery pacing back and forth before a sentry-box, his musket jauntily shouldered, and a bayonet glinting at his belt. Karyl stood looking, and his lips curled skeptically as he wondered whether the man would repel or admit assassins. Somewhat wearily the King turned and leaned on the stone coping of the outer wall.

"You give yerself away bad this time!" said Shorty, as soon as he could speak. "What did ye tell him the countersign for?" "Whew-w-w-w!" observed Si, with a prolonged whistle. "Shorty," said he, "I wish you'd take a club and see if you can't pound a little sense into me; I don't believe I've got any!" Without another word he shouldered his gun and returned to the guard headquarters.