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I do, who has oft spoke of Bellmour; We travel'd into Italy together But since, I hear, He fell in love with a fair cruel Maid, For whom he languishes. Dia. Heard you her Name? Friend. Diana, rich in Beauty, as in Fortune. Dia. Let your good Wishes for your Friend alone, Lest he being happy, you shou'd be undone. For he and you cannot be blest at once. Friend. How, Madam! Dia.

In whatever Manner you join you must present the Sword at a Distance, in order to hinder the Enemy from seizing it, or putting it off with his Left Hand to throw himself in upon you: If the Enemy shou'd make a Difficulty of yeilding up his Sword, you must, in order to frustrate his Hopes of closing you, and to make him follow you, draw back the Left-foot behind the Right, and the Right behind the Left, at such a Distance as to be strong, at the same time moving the Point of your Sword circularly; by this Means, you are in a Condition either of giving or taking his Life, which you would not be if he could close you, by which you would be oblig'd to kill him, or render the Advantage doubtful by struggling.

You are aware how it was ye earnest desire of my late respected father that Mathew Haygarth and I shou'd be man and wife, his father and my father haveing bin friends and companions in ye days of her most gracious majesty Queen Anne.

It is the Observation of some, That whereever the State flourishes, the Theatre has never fail'd of Encouragement; and that 'tis hardly possible the State shou'd suffer without the others sinking in its Reputation.

I follow'd therefore whither my love led me; but Lycurgus having renew'd his old concern with Ascyltos, wou'd not suffer him to depart: At last we agreed, that he shou'd stay with Lycurgus, and we go with Lycas: Over and beside which, it was concluded, that every of us, as opportunity offer'd, should pilfer what he could for the common stock.

And when they often find it thus to their grief, even where they think they take care to prevent it, wou'd one ever believe they shou'd act, as if they desir'd these Gloomy Returns, or thought the present Light they enjoy'd cou'd never be obscured again?

She was scarce out, when on a sudden one of the slaves came to me, and told me that our lord so highly resented my two days absence, that unless, as he advised me, I invented a good excuse to allay his heat, I shou'd certainly be punish'd. Gito perceiving how concern'd I was, spoke not a word of the woman, but advis'd me to behave myself merrily to Eumolpus, rather than serious.

Both had been welcome and all I have, you shou'd command. Fran. Car. Methinks you make not so kind returns as my Friendship to you, and the Alliance shall be between us, deserves. Fran. Car. Fran. Car. Come, let's in, and talk a while. Fran. I'm sorry I cannot do't, Sir, we are something incommoded being not at our own house. Car.

No News yet of my Brother? Trust. None: The Next you'll hear is, that he's undone, and that you must go without your Portions; and worse than that, I can tell you, your Uncle designs to turn you out of Doors. Phil. Alas! what shou'd I do, if he shou'd be so cruel? Wou'd I were in Flanders at my Monastery again, if this be true. Trust. I have better Bus'ness for you, than telling of Beads No, Mrs.

They alone can free it from Contempt and Censure, by maintaining such an Awe, that the least Glymps of Profaneness and Immorality shou'd not dare to appear on the Stage; and this may be done by encouraging none but those who write well: for when a good Poet takes on him to instruct, we need fear no Immodesty; for 'tis impossible in a Regular Play, he shou'd find room for an Indecency.