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Ruth leaned across the top bar of the gate, her figure enveloped in her long coat, and her white tam a bright spot in the half-light. On came the riders, three abreast. "Dat's him in de middle," whispered Rachel, excitedly; "next to de sheriff. I's s'prised dey didn't swing him up I shorely is. He's hangin' down his head lak he's mighty 'shamed."

'Last night he comes pushin' in yere an' buys a bottle of Worcestershire sauce; an' then he gets gaudy an' quaffs it all up on a theery she's a new-fangled fire water. He gets away with the entire bottle. It's now he realizes them errors, an' takes to groanin' an' allowin' it gives him a bad heart. Which I should shorely admit as much!

En besides all that," he cautioned, "we've got to go to the register's office en git a substitute brand, fer old Hulls has shorely carried off the old irons outa pure cussedness. Kin ye he'p us tomorry?" His question was directed to Adine Lough as the two got out of the car. "Yes, I've enlisted for the duration. I am anxious to learn if the new management is an improvement over the old.

"Ef I could only shoot as good as I ken cook," remarked Annie, "it would be a powerful sight o' res' to my soul. I shorely will git that nigger yet." "Of course you will," said Kitty. "Just wait till to-morrow morning, Annie, and when he starts around in the yard, you take a rest over the window sill.

"If Kaintucky don't get tangled up with Satan ontil I imports him to her fertile shores, you cimmarons may regyard yourse'fs as saved." ""Be you-all goin' to do the sundry deeds you sets forth in the programmes?" asks Squar' Alexanders after a pause. ""Which I shorely be!" says the wizard, "an' if I falls down or fails you can call me a ab'litionist."

"'I'll go you once, says Tutt; 'it's fifty dollars even he grows contemptuous at a bottle, an' disdains it. "Which we-alls talks it over an' decides that Jack's to nurse said infant; after which a passel of us proceed's to make a procession for the tenderfoot's bed, which he shorely resigns without a struggle.

You see, she's only a noma de ploom which we uses when we wants to rile somebody. I cert'nly didn't mean nothin' by it." "Thanks," drawled Hollis dryly; "I'll call that sufficient. But you certainly did 'rile' me some." "I reckon I must have done just that," grinned Ten Spot ruefully. "You're shorely some she-wolf with them there claws of your'n.

Do I hear any remarks on this litteratoor's prop'sition? "Tell him to come a- runnin', Enright," says Jack Moore; "an' draw it strong. If thar's one want which is slowly but shorely crowdin' Wolfville to the wall, it's a dearth of literatoor; yere's our chance, an' we plays it quick an high." "I ain't so gala confident of all this," says Dan Boggs.

"After dinner it was calm enough to fish from the decks, Penn and Uncle Salters were very zealous this time, and the catch was large and large fish. "Abishai has shorely took his luck with him," said Salters. "The wind hain't backed ner riz ner nothin'. How abaout the trawl? I despise superstition, anyway." Tom Platt insisted that they had much better haul the thing and make a new berth.

Thar is shorely a good dose uv lead comin' to every feller in that band." The mountaineer's face for a moment contracted violently. Dick saw that he was fairly burning for revenge. Among his people the code of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth still prevailed, unquestioned, and there would be no pity for the guerrilla who might come under the muzzle of his rifle.