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He was capable of enduring great fatigue; was fond of riding, of walking, of shooting, of hunting, and of all exercises requiring strength and skill. His courage was that calm, cool courage which is never thrown off its balance, but rather shines with its greatest lustre under difficulty and danger.

Another private explained to a comrade: "This is all nonsense anyhow. No sense in occupying this post. They " "But, of course," said the corporal, "when she told me herself that she cared more for me than she did for him, I wasn't going to stand any of his talk " The corporal's listener was so sleepy that he could only grunt his sympathy. There was a sudden little spatter of shooting.

This was scarcely to be expected, and none of the party based any hopes upon it. After the inmates of the large canoe had stepped upon shore, Shasta sent his backward into the river again by a sweep of his paddle, and headed for the eastern bank, shooting over the surface with amazing speed. His movements were watched with interest and some surprise. "What can it mean?" asked Elwood.

Hence we see causes alike for the streams of shooting stars, for the solitary shooting stars visible to the naked eye, and for the telescopic shooting stars a score times more numerous. Further significant evidence is furnished by the comets of short periods.

'For, until the shooting season commence, I would willingly show you some sport, and we may, God willing, meet with a roe.

There'd be some pleasure in that. But this cold-blooded shooting!... And, of course, he knows how to shoot, and I have never had a pistol in my hand.... They are right: I must learn.... He'll try to kill me. I'll kill him." He went out. There was a range a few yards away from the house. Christophe asked for a pistol, and had it explained how he ought to hold it.

Shooting a rapid, and out into a deep pool at its foot, the Doctor's boat struck a snag, and he, having a resisting power equal to that of a billiard-ball, put his heels where his head had been, and disappeared under the water, to pop up again instantly, sputtering and spitting, like a jug full of yeast with a corn-cob stopper. "Oh, Hickey!

It seems this Lord Mayor begins again an old custome, that upon the three first days of Bartholomew Fayre, the first, there is a match of wrestling, which was done, and the Lord Mayor there and Aldermen in Moorefields yesterday: to-day, shooting: and to-morrow, hunting.

Each of the other Indians did the same, and, without taking any notice of the beasts they had killed, continued their course, shooting arrow after arrow, until upwards of a dozen buffaloes had bit the ground. It is only, however, when the bison are quietly feeding that they can be approached in this way.

Would he tell how he had killed one Falin in the presence of the latter's wife at a wild bee tree; how he had killed a sheriff by dropping to the ground when the sheriff fired, in this way dodging the bullet and then shooting the officer from where he lay supposedly dead; how he had thrown another Falin out of the Court House window and broken his neck the Falin was drunk, Rufe always said, and fell out; why, when he was constable, he had killed another because, Rufe said, he resisted arrest; how and where he had killed Red-necked Johnson, who was found out in the woods?