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With a crushing sense of humiliation she was folding up the newspaper to send it downstairs when her eye was arrested by a paragraph in small type in the corner. It was headed "Shocking occurrence at a fashionable wedding." "Oh, good gracious!" she cried. A glance had shown her what it was. It was a report of Polly's suicide.

Either from disgust of life, or from attachment to Captain Wright, he survived him only twelve hours, during which he wrote the shocking details I have given you, and sent them to three of the members of the foreign diplomatic corps, with a prayer to have them forwarded to Sir Sidney Smith or to Mr.

With your coaching, I could at least give her a biography of Jim Donald. One needn't be afraid of shocking her?" His eyebrows lifted. "Who's shocked at anything nowadays? Look at the things girls read and discuss! I'm old-fashioned, I suppose. But I really couldn't talk about Donald to her this morning. The fellow is such a worm! It would come better from you."

A hint thus conveyed and enforced was not to be neglected with impunity; and Richard Waverley, though with great dread of shocking his brother's prejudices, deemed he could not avoid accepting the commission thus offered him for his son.

The Princes of the Blood were notorious for a freedom of life and manners which would be ludicrous if it were not shocking. He was a man of fashion and a Member of Parliament; and these are some of the incidents which he notes in 1788: "The Prince of Wales declares there is not an honest Woman in London, excepting Ly. Parker and Ly.

"My child, I do not understand," she said, kindly enough. "Has some relative of thine been murdered? How shocking!" "Are not all my people kindred of mine?" exclaimed Beatrice, passionately. "Dost thou mean the massacre of the Jews in London?" said the Countess, as the truth suddenly flashed upon her. "Oh yes, I did hear of some such dreadful affair.

"Then let's both take the watch below i'stead," said Philip, and they proceeded to stretch themselves out by the fire together. "Just lave it to me," said Pete; "I'll hear them if they come in the night. I'll always does. I'm sleeping that light it's shocking. Why, sometimes I hear Black Tom when he comes home tipsy. I've done it times."

The Council heard the noise through the open windows; and, after an interval, was seen the shocking spectacle of a Legal Member and a Lieutenant-Governor helping, under the direct patronage of a Commander-in-Chief and a Viceroy, one small and very dirty boy in a sailor's suit and a tangle of brown hair, to coerce a lively and rebellious kid.

However, I can't nor won't give it up. I hope I'll have time to repent yet; who knows but it is God that has put it into my heart and kept it there for so many years?" "Kept what there?" asked the stranger. The old man's face literally blackened as he replied, almost with a scream, "Vengeance!" "This language," replied the other, "is absolutely shocking.

Is the poisoning a wife more criminal than the poisoning a whole hospital of wounded soldiers; or the assisting to kill some confined persons, suspected of being enemies, more atrocious than the massacre in cold blood of thousands of disarmed prisoners? Is incest with a sister more shocking to humanity than the well-known unnatural pathic but I will not continue the disgusting comparison.