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"Sometimes," said Barney. "I t'ought ye meant a conflagrashun, sorr. The shmoke I shmelt was segyars." "Ah," I observed. "I am glad you are coming to the point. Go on. There is a difference." "There is thot," said Barney, pleasantly, he was getting along so swimmingly. "This shmoke, as I say, was segyar shmoke, so I gropes me way cautious loike up the back sthairs and listens by the library dure.

I no need prepare for next world py that tam shmoke pox. Eh?" continued the Doctor, facing the Chaplain. "Come, Doctor," said the Chaplain, soothingly, "we ought to get along better than this in our department." "Shaplain's department! Eh! By G t! One Horse-Doctor and one Shaplain enough for a whole Division!"

"We've had a good schlape, a good male, and I'm quieting my narves with the ould gintleman's pipe." "It strikes me, Tim, you were rather discourteous," said Elwood. "Be careful that we do not trespass too much on his good nature." "This is the calomel o' pace, as they calls it, and when you shmoke it it manes there's no enmity atween us.

"Ha ha!" said Richard again and banged the dish cover against the table implements of a foodless tray that had marked the hour of a meal time. "Don't fidget!" roared Van Diest, emitting a cloud of tobacco smoke. "Don't smoke!" Richard countered in the same tone. "I shmoke on purpose." "And I fidget on purpose." With a sweep of the hand he sent the tray with a crashing to the floor. "Ach! Ach!

Be the Toe Nails av Moses ye're right, Michael. We'll be so far off that course be daylight they won't even see our shmoke. D'ye think that little handful av bones, Riggins, can manage the wheel until we've claned up the ingine-room gang? We can relieve him wit' wan av the Chinamen then." "Tell him he'll have to stick it out.

"Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh! I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif.... I shall gif no drouble vatefer.... I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you."

I troid the dures. All toight as a politician. Shtill, t'inks I, I'll go insoide. Quiet as a lamb ut was, sorr; but on a suddent, as I was about to go back home again, I shmelt shmoke!" "Fire?" I cried, excitedly. "I said shmoke, sorr," said Barney, whose calmness was now beautiful to look upon, he was so serenely confident of his position. "Doesn't smoke involve a fire?" I demanded.

Hans Vanderbum gouged his fists into his own visual organs, and muttered something about "de dunderin' shmoke," before he could reply. "Yesh, yesh, I 'tends to you. You needn't be 'fraid. Dey won't hurt you, I doesn't t'ink. Dey jist keeps you. May be dey burns you, but dat ain't sartain. I must go to Oonomoo now, for I've been away from him a good long while." "Tell him I am hopeful."

Apparently satisfied, he returned again to where Bill was standing. "Come on in th' bunk-house, now," he said. "I want to locate Shtromberg an' wan or two more. We'll sit around an' shmoke a bit, an' phwin they begin rollin' in ye'll ask me phwere is th' van, fer ye must have blankets an' phwat not.

Shmoke her tinderly wid honey-dew, afther letting the reek av the Canteen plug die away. But 'tis no good, thanks to you all the same, fillin' my pouch wid your chopped hay. Canteen baccy's like the Army. It shpoils a man's taste for moilder things." So saying, Mulvaney took up his butterfly-net, and returned to barracks. May no ill dreams disturb my rest, Nor Powers of Darkness me molest.