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Gilbert glanced up and, much to his amazement, beheld a little white scornful face looking down upon him with big, frightened but also scornful gray eyes. "Anne Shirley! How on earth did you get there?" he exclaimed. Without waiting for an answer he pulled close to the pile and extended his hand.

Suddenly at the window, back of everyone, appeared the evil, black-masked figure of Shirley, eyes glittering menacingly from their slits, two weapons glistening blue in his hands. At the same moment there was a terrible groan, followed by a scream of agony. Werner staggered back, his left hand clutched at his breast.

"Shirley is in the Moreland police station," he announced. "She was picked up during the height of the storm with her express wagon. I'll go over in the car and bring her home. Want to come, Rosemary?" Rosemary did, and the sun was shining out again as they took their places in the roadster. "Don't look so sober, dear," said Doctor Hugh, glancing at the grave face close to his shoulder.

Throughout the afternoon Shirley, following the battle royal between Bryce and the Pennington retainers, had sat dismally in the caboose.

I told him if he would use his influence and persuade the authorities to accept me, I believed I should like to take a course in college. I thought it would help to kill time while I was making up my mind how better to dispose of myself. I have therefore become what Mr. Jennings thought I was in the beginning a student at Shirley; not a full-fledged one but a "special" in English.

At that moment there was a knock, and Miss Burton's landlady poked her head into the room to say there was a gentleman at the door who wanted to see Miss Ruth Shirley. "It must be Mr. Hamilton," said Ruth, who felt guilty on account of the lateness of the hour. "I'll call down and tell him I'll be there in a minute." "It's not Mr. Hamilton. It's no one I know," answered Mrs. Stearns.

"Perhaps I had better go?" ventured Shirley, although tortured by anxiety to hear the news from Washington. "No," said Ryder quickly, "Judge Stott will detain me but a very few moments." Having delivered himself of this delicate hint, he looked towards his visitor as if inviting him to come to the point as rapidly as possible.

Bring Grimsby up to it to-night: a little bromo will bring him back to the land of the living. I'll have a jolly crowd there top floor of the Somerset, on Fifty-sixth Street, you know, near Sixth Avenue. Come up after the show." "We're going to the Winter Garden," suggested Helene, at a nudge from Shirley, and Warren nodded. "I'll try to see you later, anyway. Goodbye!"

"Well," she demanded, "are we going to play?" "We were waiting for you to cut," said Julia, graciously; and Sylvia's fury helped to restore her self-posession. She cut the cards; and fate was kind, sparing both her and Frank the task of dealing. But then a new difficulty arose. Julia dealt, and thirteen cards lay in front of Frank Shirley; but he did not seem to know that he ought to pick them up.

"Oh, it's all funny enough," said Burke, almost as merry as his friend, "but they're good ones, I can tell you that! You couldn't get together a better set of landsmen, and I tell you what I'll do. If you want anybody to go with you to certify that you are all right, I'll send a couple of parsons!" "Just what I want!" cried Shirley. Burke quickly stepped out on deck, and calling the mate, "Mr.