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I saw that he wasn't watching the showy bits I couldn't distract his attention; he just kept his eyes on the hard passages between. Those were the ones I had always shirked, or covered up with some lying paint. And how he saw through my lies! "I looked up again, and caught sight of that sketch of the donkey hanging on the wall near his bed.

I am much inclined to think that the dramatic effect of highly emotional narrative is underrated in the modern theatre. Again, at one class of theatre, the author of a sporting play is bound to exhibit a horse-race on the stage, or he is held to have shirked his obligatory scene.

He was like Kenny, that boy, inflammable of purpose, erratic in his vigor, and likable. And he needed a friend, inflexible and kindly. "Always," said Brian, "I am slated to be somebody's keeper." Could he shirk? Had he shirked when he left the studio in anger? Had he a right to live his life his own way? Had anybody? His common sense endorsed his earlier rebellion. This was different.

Others talked in whispers of England or the New Land across the seas: they were those who had something to hide, money received from refugee aristocrats, boats sold to would-be emigres, information withheld, denunciations shirked: the amnesty would not last long, 'twas best to be safely out of the way.

After he had had the breath knocked out of him and been well shinned half a dozen times in scrimmages at football scrimmages in which he had become involved sorely against his will he ceased to see any further fun in football, and shirked that noble game in a way that got him into trouble with the elder boys, who would stand no shirking on the part of the younger ones.

Save in his devotion for the chase, his tastes had nothing in common with the high-born youths with whom he was educated. He showed himself a coward on the battlefield, and shirked even the mimic warfare of the tournament.

There was one other thought that Jenny shirked, and that went on nevertheless in spite of her inattention, plying and moulding somewhere deep below her thrilling joy. The thought was, that she must not show Keith that she loved him, because while she knew she felt sure that He loved her, she must not be the smallest fraction of time before him in confession. She was too proud for that.

The sweetness of revenge was appreciated in some measure, and those who might in other circumstances have shirked personal danger, or collapsed in its presence, had their nerves steeled for a fair and square encounter. Our defences were never tested; we were beginning to wish they were. A determined and persevering effort on the Boers' part might have made them masters of Kimberley.

The tradition that it is justifiable and even commendable for men and women to abandon their families and take to the religious life has at all times been strong in India and public opinion has never considered that the deserted party had a grievance. No doubt comfortable householders were in no hurry to take to the woods and many must always have shirked the duty.

Is he, perchance, groveling in the gutter, because I cast him off had no thought or care for him " "Now, look here " "Listen. I became a father, then shirked the responsibility of fatherhood. A new word rings in my ears, 'FATHERING. I can see its mighty import. I who have spoken the words of the great Father for these many years, have not followed His example.