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I wouldn't live with him." "Ideala won't shirk her duty because it is hard and unpalatable," I answered. "I believe she likes it!" Claudia exclaimed; and then, smiling at her own inconsistency, she explained, "I mean if she really is miserable she ought to speak and let us do something." "It is contrary to her principles.

And then I answered for them: "I don't know how old I am, but I am so old that I can remember the great war." "And then" I told them, the young men who were wavering "and then will come the question that you will always have to dread when you have won through to the old age that may be yours in safety if you shirk now!

"She was under her gaff tops'l, but I see she couldn't stand it. 'Boys, says I, 'clew up that tops'l. Which they did, and put it in gaskets, and your Arthur, I mind, was one of the four men to go aloft to clew it up. Never a lad to shirk was Arthur.

The indolent, however, are not wholly indolent. Though the body may shirk labour, the brain is not idle. If it do not grow corn, it will grow thistles, which will be found springing up all along the idle man's course in life.

The "inertia" of the poor, which caused so many people to despair for them their cowardice and instability these were things about which Hal had heard all his life. "You can't help them," people would say. "They're dirty and lazy, they drink and shirk, they betray each other. They've always been like that." The idea would be summed up in a formula: "You can't change human nature!"

"You're the woman I love," he answered with an abrupt return of vehemence, "and, by God! I shall stop at nothing to save your life." "And my love for you, that you pretend is so much to you, I suppose that this is the means you take to awaken it. Admitting, for the moment, that you could induce me to shirk my duty, how should I love you for it? Ask yourself that."

It is out of the question to claim a right and yet shirk the responsibility for its exercise. Not only we, but all American republics who are benefited by the existence of the doctrine, must recognize the obligations each nation is under as regards foreign peoples no less than its duty to insist upon its own rights.

The way in which Erasmus always tries to shirk definite statements irritates us. How carefully he always tries to represent the Colloquies, in which he had spontaneously revealed so much of his inner convictions, as mere trifling committed to paper to please his friends. They are only meant to teach correct Latin!

It was evident that he was amazed and none too well pleased. "It is hard work, sir especially when you are not used to it." "I am accustomed to hard work." "The men will take advantage of you, sir if I may be so bold as to say so. They know you were not brought up to sheeping. They will impose on you and shirk their duties." "I am not afraid, Thornton," was the calm reply.

At the last moment the woman at home may sometimes shirk a task which seems formidable to her, though she may be ashamed of her cowardice; but a woman who has agreed to do a certain thing for a certain sum of money cannot shirk, however frightened she may be, and by degrees she learns to subdue her terror and go cheerfully and calmly to her work.