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"Because they are pieces of solid matter," answered Harry. "To make a flame shine, there must always be some solid or at least liquid-matter in it." "Very good." said Mr. Bagges, "solid stuff necessary to brightness." "Some gases and other things," resumed Harry, "that burn with a flame you can hardly see, burn splendidly when something solid is put into them.

And this dim ray of light did so diffuse itself within him, and did so kindle up and shine, that at last he had it as plainly and visibly before him as the blaze by which he sat; and, fully persuaded that he was the first to make the discovery, and that he had started, hunted down, fallen upon, and knocked on the head, a perfectly original idea which had never presented itself to any other man, alive or dead, he laid down his pipe, rubbed his hands, and chuckled audibly.

By which she betrayed that she had divined those arts she was to shine in, according to Tracy; and betrayed that she had a terrible fear of a loss of all else. It pained her now that Tracy should not be coming.

Thirty mornings, and on every one of them the sun would shine, and the air blow clear and sweet. She would put on her thick, nailed boots, and clamber up the glen, to see what lay at the other side of the pass; she would take her sketching materials, and sit on that sunny knoll, trying to make some sort of a picture to send home to the poor father in his smoky prison-house.

"Yes, yes, I see what white man means. But white man do not so. He cheat he kill." "Boston tilicum, what do you say?" asked the chief. "White man does not follow his best heart when he cheats and kills. It is wrong. All men should be brothers see?" "Yes, I have tried to be a brother. I have no shed blood I live in peace like yonder river. The stars love to shine on the peaceful river.

Oh, we'll make them all so happy!" added he, with pleasure shining in those contented eyes, which drew half their light from the joy that they saw, and caused to shine in the eyes around him. It was after many days of fatiguing travel that Lord Cairnforth reached the ferry opposite Cairnforth.

The second match, when struck, would shine and smell, and fizz a little, and then go out. There would be only one match left. Death would ensue if it failed. And I said to myself, "The public don't want any more of this thing: it is played out. Either have a box of matches, or let the first one catch fire." In this gloomy mood I plunged along.

I know now what a tribute they pay when they say that. Light of understanding, light of truth and ah, mein liebchen, the light of love and well do I know how that light can shine into the darkness! "'More light' Goethe said, when he was going out into the dark. A great thing to ask for. I know how he felt! 'And God said Let there be light' I don't wonder that story has lived a long time.

Two days later I sailed in this ship, the Brahmapootra. I am not afraid of telling you this, because I know that the diamonds will not shine on the god's arm until all fear of search and inquiry are over.

"'You see! I cried, 'it was made to hold that! And moving my hand to and fro under the gas jet, I caused to shine in their eyes the single drop of yellow liquid it still held. 'Poison! I impressively announced.