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"Any man as would give forty shillin' for a garment as is no mortal good agen the cold not reachin' fur enough, even if it do be silk, an' all worked wi' little flowers is a dommed fool! "Assuredly!" said I, with a nod. "Howsomever," he continued, "it's a handsome weskit, there's no denyin', an' well worth a woman's lookin' at a proper man inside of it." "Not a doubt of it," said I.

"Ah, sure, I settled in me own mind to be spendin' me shillin' on it, and that's the way it is," Hugh said resignedly. "Maybe she'll have more wit, the bit of a crathur; she might never put it on. So now I've on'y to see after Paddy Ryan's rapin'-hook, and then I'm done. And is it carryin' them two bags all the way home you'd be? Sure there's plinty of room for them on the baste."

"Why, as to that," said I, over my shoulder, "I neither eat nor drink with a man who doubts my word." "Meanin' those forty shillin'?" "Precisely!" "Well," said he, twisting his whisker with a thoughtful air, "if you could manage to mak' it twenty or even twenty-five, I might mak' some shift to believe it though 'twould be a strain, but forty! no, damme, I can't swaller that!"

I was to get away, and this were th' regular road for the likes o' me, I listed there and then, took th' Widow's shillin', and had a bunch o' ribbons pinned i' my hat. "But next day I found my way to David Roantree's door, and Jesse came to open it. Says he, 'Thou's come back again wi' th' devil's colors flyin' thy true colors, as I always telled thee.

But I interjuced 'im the same bein' 'er Sunday out; an' afterwards, when he called 'er a monstrous fine girl, I felt as 'appy as if he'd given me ten shillin'. Which only proves," Sam commented bitterly, "what I say in the next verse " "I'd rather be in prison Than in this earthly dwellin', Where nothin' is but it isn' An there ain't no means of tellin'!"

'T is money as I wants thirty shillin' in my 'and this 'ere very moment." "I intend to stay the night, so will you please have a fire lighted in your best " "Thirty-five shillin's the word in my 'and this moment my fine little gent that's wot!"

Dick Rice gave me two curlew an' two patrich calls to-day. Now pass the glass among yez, while Denny brings the arms. I know there's danger in this business, in regard of the Cassidys livin' so near us. The horse is worth eighty guineas, if he's worth a shillin'; an' we'll make sixty off him ourselves."

"Now Miss Marie, she's savin' like, not through meanness, but because she's got the good Irish heart that boils against payin' rint, and she's hoardin' crown by shillin' till she kin buy her a cabin and to say a pertaty patch for a garden, somewhere out where it's green! Faith! but she'll do it too; she's a manager!

"Are ye meanin' Drumsheugh?" said Whinnie, "for ye 'ill never get a penny piece oot o' him. Did ye no hear hoo the Frees wiled him intae their kirk, Sabbath past a week, when Netherton's sister's son frae Edinboro' wes preaching the missionary sermon, expectin' a note, and if he didna change a shillin' at the public-hoose and pit in a penny.

I should think so why, I'm always eatin' or thinkin' of it. Oh, I'm a fine eater, I am an' I bean't no chicken at drinkin', neither." "Then you ought to be happy." "Ah! but I bean't!" he repeated, shaking his head. "Have you any troubles?" "None as I can think on." "You earn good money every week?" "Ten shillin'." "You are not married?" "Not me." "Then," said I, "you must be happy."