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The coroner and the detectives regarded each other as if uncertain whether they had heard aright. The changed attitude of the witness could only denote that he feared to involve himself. He, who had been so quick to accuse another, now appeared intent only on shielding himself. "You have found the customary refuge of guilty men," the coroner frowned at the witness.

It doesn't follow that Cayley killed him." "No. No, of course it doesn't." Bill gave a sigh of relief. "He's just shielding Mark, what?" "I wonder." "Well, isn't that the simplest explanation?" "It's the simplest if you're a friend of Cayley and want to let him down lightly. But then I'm not, you see." "Why isn't it simple, anyhow?"

He possessed at Newport a rose garden far famed for the number of its varieties and the perfection of the flowers, and it was an interesting sight at Washington to see Bancroft, even when nearing ninety, busy in his garden in H Street, one attendant shielding his light figure with a sun umbrella, while another held at hand, hoe, shears, and twine, the implements to train and cull.

Then, with the flint and steel that every hunter carried and laboring desperately, he managed to extract from the flint enough sparks to set fire to the shavings, hanging over the tiny blaze and shielding it with his body lest it go out and leave him alone in the cold and the dark.

And now was she calm and cool, shielding herself with a copper-bossed target, and driving home the point of her sharp sword; white was her face, and her eyes glittered amidst it, and she seemed to men like to those on whose heads the Warrior hath laid the Holy Bread.

Or, in writing of work on the farm, especially stone-fence making, he speaks of clearing the fields of the stones that are built into boundaries: "If there are ever sermons in stones, it is when they are built into a stone wall turning your hindrances into helps, shielding your crops behind the obstacles to your husbandry, making the enemies of the plough stand guard over its products."

Across the dividing rail of the Shonguts' porch a child with a strap of school-books flung over one shoulder ran down the soft terrace, and a woman emerged after her to the topmost step of the veranda, holding her checked apron up about her waist and shielding her eyes with one hand. "Jeannie! Jean-nie!" "Yes'm." "Watch out for the street-car crossing, Jeannie." "Yes'm." "Jean-nie!" "What?"

He put the fingers of his right hand to his forehead, shielding his face. The description of the fugitive had brought instantly to his mind the face of George Withers. "Indulge me for just a few moments more, Mr. Fulton," Braceway said. "Splain eluded the pursuit. His flight and disappearance were perfectly planned and carried out, and " Bristow again interrupted the recital.

Immediately, as if at a signal, there fell about Cameron a perfect hail of clods and even stones. "Oh! Oh!" shrieked Mandy, rushing towards him and throwing herself between him and the falling missiles. "Come away! Come away! They'll just kill you." For answer Cameron put his arms about her and drew her behind him, shielding her as best he could with his body.

He stepped back as if he had been struck, with his hand shielding his eyes. "Save us!" ejaculated Joseph in the same breath. The thing that stood there sickening their gaze was not a human being at all. Take a man's eyelids away, leaving the round balls staring, blood-streaked; cut away his lips, leaving the grinning teeth and red gums; shear off his ears that which is left is not a man at all.