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"Take it put it in your breast keep it safe as you value your eternal soul ride to Carlisle as fast as your horse will carry you, and place it instantly before the sheriff." "Is it signed?" "Yes." "And witnessed?" "The witness will follow in person a few hours a very few and she will be with you there."

This produced a murmur amongst the old electioneering stagers of the county; and Mr. Salmon, an attorney, who, from his overbearing disposition in the borough of Devizes, had acquired the name of "King Salmon," cried, order! order! and begged that the sheriff would proceed to the regular business of the day.

Stevens says he rolled down a bank." The jubilant Mr. Crown stopped, for breath. "That's all right, far as it goes," Hastings said; "but does he identify that man as Russell?" "To the last hair on his head!" replied the sheriff. "Stevens' description of the fellow is Russell all over all over!

For all this I thanked her; but she said that rather it was I who should be thanked, and from henceforward, if her word should in any way have weight, it should go with that of Osric the Sheriff for my welfare. And this seemed to me to be much said before my task was done, but afterwards I knew that she had talked with Wulfhere, who had told her all even to the treachery of Matelgar.

It seemed to the girl that they had been climbing for long, tedious hours since they had slipped out of their saddles; though to him she said nothing, locking her lips stubbornly, she knew that at last she was tired, very tired, that an end of this laborious ascent must come soon or she would be forced to stop and lie down and rest. "Fifteen minutes more," said the sheriff, "and we're there.

Blount's face took on its red fighting-hue. "Wait!" cried Eddring, speaking to Blount, "this is an officer of the law. This is the law." He rose and stepped between the two, even as the sheriff fumbled in his pocket for the paper which had lately been the bolster of his courage, the warrant which in grim jest had been issued by the court of that county to its duly instituted executive officer.

"Well done, Gilbert!" cried the Sheriff right joyously. "Fain am I to believe the prize is thine, and right fairly won. Now, thou ragged knave, let me see thee shoot a better shaft than that." Nought spake the stranger but took his place, while all was hushed, and no one spoke or even seemed to breathe, so great was the silence for wonder what he would do.

I'll send one of my men to the Blackfeet Agency especially to deliver your present and mine to the Indian girl." "Thank you." "To-morrow we shall have to go back to town with the sheriff and his prisoner. I should like to have you accompany us if you will. The prosecuting attorney can take your deposition and thus avoid the necessity of your having to wait for the trial.

From sundown until long after dark, they came straggling wearily back; their horses nearly exhausted, the riders beginning to fear that Sibyl would never be found alive. There was no further word from the Sheriff at Fairlands. Then suddenly, out of the blackness of the night, a rider from the other side of the Galenas arrived with the word that the girl's horse had been found.

"Say, will a cat drink milk? You bet I'll help you. Between you and me, I've been so damned ashamed of what's been doing in this here office lately that I'm aching for a chance to square myself. I'll send them wires off immediate." "I reckon you're due to be the next Sheriff in this county, Steve," Trowbridge responded gratefully. "There's going to be a change here before long." "That so?