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Sheppard's attention; and no sooner did she in some degree recover from the shock occasioned by the sight of her son's debased condition, than, regardless of any other consideration except his instant removal from the contaminating society by which he was surrounded, and utterly forgetting the more cautious plan she meant to have adopted, she rushed into the room, and summoned him to follow her.

The exact site of the tavern was in Bowl Yard, which ran into Broad Street near where Endell Street now is. Among Cruikshank's well-known drawings is a series illustrating Jack Sheppard's progress to the gallows.

His course had been observed by the watchman, who directed Wild which way to take. "It is Jack Sheppard, the noted housebreaker," cried Jonathan, at the top of his sonorous voice. "He has just broken out of Newgate. After him! A hundred pounds to the man who takes him." Sheppard's name operated like magic on the crowd. The cry was echoed by twenty different voices.

Sheppard's grave, the mother of the famous housebreaker," said Morgan, in answer to Jack's inquiry; "and it's well they let her have Christian burial after all for they say she destroyed herself for her son. The crowner's 'quest sat on her yesterday and if she hadn't been proved out of her mind, she would have been buried at four lane-ends." Jack could stand no more.

'Another reason I have for suggesting Sheppard's, continued Trent, feverishly lighting a cigarette, 'is that I am going to be married to the most wonderful woman in the world. I trust the connection of ideas is clear. 'You are going to marry Mabel! cried Mr Cupples. 'My dear friend, what good news this is! Shake hands, Trent; this is glorious!

Halting under a maple he waited for his brother to approach. "I didn't meet any one. Did you lose him?" whispered Colonel Zane breathlessly. "No; he's in there." "That's Sheppard's place. Do you mean he's hiding there?" "No!" Colonel Zane swore, as was his habit when exasperated.

Wood, ironically; "but I used to think it required something more than mere words to prove that a person's character was abused." "Very right, my love," said Wood, "very sensibly remarked. So it does. Bu I can speak to that point. Mrs. Sheppard's conduct, from my own personal knowledge, has been unexceptionable for the last twelve years. During that period she has been a model of propriety."

The eternal dinner at my club hath bored millions of members like me, and shall bore; but tonight let the feast be spread in vain, so far as we are concerned. We will not go where the satraps throng the hall. We will go to Sheppard's. 'Who is Sheppard? asked Mr Cupples mildly, as they proceeded up Victoria Street.

Men of Messrs. Townlinson & Sheppard's indubitable rank in their profession could not fail to know the significance of the Vanderpoel name. They knew and understood its weight perfectly well. When their client had married one of Reuben Vanderpoel's daughters, they had felt that extraordinary good fortune had befallen him and his estate. Their private opinion had been that Mr.

Warren was to have full control of her first husband's estate, with certain exceptions of livestock to be given to Mrs. Sheppard's children. Her stepchildren, as provided in the contract, were to have their full inheritances left them by their father. Mrs. Being about to marry William Hay, Gentleman, of the same Parish, Mrs.