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It was what the French call an obus, a word that in some subtle manner seems more menacing and dreadful than our own term of shell. As we sped on I leaned against the cushions, outwardly quiet. Inwardly, I was gathering myself together for my attempt. I had not thought I would first approach the Front this way; but it was a good way, I had a good object.

Alice had so far come out of her shell, and broken the reserve of her life, as to make frequent visits at the inn, and Mrs. Mavick and Evelyn found it the most natural and agreeable stroll by the river-side to the farmhouse, where naturally, while the mother amused herself with the original eccentricities of Patience, her daughter grew into an intimacy with Alice.

He was complimented by Lord Raglan and General Airey on the manner in which he had performed his mission. "Matters have improved considerably in the month or two you were absent," said the latter to him one day. "Thanks to the animals you got us, we have been able to bring up sufficient shot and shell." "When is the new bombardment to take place, sir?" "At once." "And the attack?"

We have already noticed that the most important viscera were lodged safely under the shell. And as these increased in size or were crowded upward by the muscles of the creeping disk, their portion of the body grew upward in the form of a "visceral hump."

Suddenly he heard sounds, strange, low, melodious sounds, as if the shell were remembering and repeating to itself the murmurs of its ocean home. The child's face filled with wonder as he listened. Here in the little shell, apparently, was a voice from another world, and he listened with delight to its mystery and music.

Being informed to the contrary, he slowly settled down again, with the remark, "W-e-l-l, then, drive on." Now, boys and girls, you will find many occasions in life when it will be necessary for you to put forth an extra effort in order to succeed. But when some golden opportunity presents the corn to you, do not stop to inquire, "Is it shelled?" Learn to shell your own corn.

She was very white and she looked as cold and remote as the moon. "Madeleine! Madeleine! You have changed so completely! I cannot believe that you'll never be the same Madeleine again. Why you you look as if you were not there at all!" "Only my shell is here. The real me is with him." "Curse the man! Curse him! Curse him! I wish I'd blown out his brains!"

Our infantry advancing and retiring others advancing and coming back Germans doing likewise, a hellish din of shell fire, and me pouring in fire whenever I could see them. "At last I got six shrapnel into a wood and cleared a heap of them out and got into them with shrapnel. It was awful! The sergeant major put his hand up to his head and said: "Oh, sir, it's terrible!"

And this Clif did; and when he had completed the task it was found that the most important work he had done that night, was in securing that shell and unraveling its mystery. As he issued from the admiral's room Cadet Wells, one of Clif's best friends, approached him. "Faraday, old fellow," he said, "I've got news that will interest you." "I'm listening."

About five minutes after it began a hoarse whistle, increasing to a roar like that of a railroad train, passed overhead. "For Ypres," we ejaculated, and looking back we saw a cloud as big as a church rise up from that ill-fated city, followed by the sound of the explosion of a fifteen-inch shell.