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The "Melik" found the enemy's columns with their quick-firing 15 pounders at under 1500 yards range on one occasion. During the second phase of the battle, the "Melik" dropped again down stream, and struck Sheikh Ed Din's column as the enemy advanced to attack Macdonald's brigade, treating the dervishes to all her artillery.

"We must ride out from the city another time, Ben Eddin," said the Sheikh gravely, after they had gone on through the crowded ways for fully a couple of hours, their guard following patiently in the rear, and their presence ensuring a way being made through some of the well-armed, truculent-looking groups.

You are in search of some one. "'Truly I am, I replied, 'and it is a matter of life or death to find the man I am seeking. "Thereupon, without further preamble, I related the story of Baji Lal and the missing Sheikh. "At the end of my narrative Munshi Khyraz such was my host's name sat silent for a spell. I knew my friend, and allowed him his own time to make any comment.

The trees were loaded with climbing cactus and a large purple convolvulus with great round leaves. Sheikh Sehel maintains that he has seen ghinni in that neighbourhood.

The man with his gun then runs before the Sheikh, and fires it off in his face, or a very short distance from him. The camel-drivers showed a perverse disposition for continuing all night the 22nd and 23rd, and would not halt, without difficulty, for the two or three hours' rest before day-break. But they were full a mile in advance.

The party therefore wondered at him, and at the horrible nature of his form; and the Emeer Moosa said: "There is no deity but God!" And the Sheikh Abd-Es-Samad said to the efreet: "O thou, I ask thee concerning a thing of which do thou inform us." The efreet replied: "Ask concerning what thou wilt."

"What does that mean?" said the doctor, springing up. "Is something wrong?" The others followed the doctor's act the next moment, for some communication, evidently of great importance, was made to the Sheikh by his follower, with the result that the old man came quickly to where they stood, while all the men went quietly to their camels. "What is it, Ibrahim?" cried the professor.

After that the General often sent for the Sheikh Moussa to ride with him on the march; and he questioned him, and compared his answers with the maps and plans he had. And the more he was tested the more genuine did the man appear. The tribe, too, to which he claimed to belong was known to be friendly, and not as yet overawed into owning allegiance to the Mahdi.

Captain Haig, with a squadron of Egyptian horse, fell in with a small body of Baggara under Sheikh Yunis, and had a brush with them, one or two being wounded on either side. The Sirdar and headquarters embarked at 9 a.m., 27th August, on the gunboat "Fatah," to steam through Shabluka.

The Baggara chief looked puzzled, and when Ibrahim paused he looked up. Then he looked down, and had to ask the old Sheikh what he meant, being quite unable to notice what everyone else in the courtyard could see plainly, till it was almost touched.