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"We always try to please," she said; "but really our cream doesn't come in lumps." He reddened. "I surely did get that twisted," he said a little sheepishly. "Suppose we put it the other way around." "I guess your mind was far away," she jested. "You must have been thinking of the treasure." "That's exactly right," he returned, looking into her eyes as he took the cup she handed him.

After a half minute, my eyes were bugging out and the little ball was bouncing four feet in the air and going higher each time. I grabbed my glass. "What the hell!" I said. Farnsworth caught the ball in a pudgy hand and held it. He was smiling a little sheepishly. "Interesting effect, isn't it?" "Now wait a minute," I said, beginning to think about it. "What's the gimmick?

But the folks are honest in these parts extraordinarily honest." She broke off, perceiving that Captain Tobias was looking with sudden earnestness at Captain Cai, and that Captain Cai was somewhat awkwardly evading the look. "Be a man, Caius!" Tobias exhorted his friend. "It's it's this way, ma'am," said Captain Cai sheepishly, after a long pause, diving in his pocket.

Cousin Ann was making some buttonholes in the shirt-waist she had constructed that afternoon, Aunt Abigail was darning socks, and Uncle Henry was mending a piece of harness. Shep lay on the couch and snored until he got so noisy they couldn't stand it, and Cousin Ann poked him in the ribs and he woke up snorting and gurgling and looking around very sheepishly.

"Look like a fool, I know, sir," said the tall individual sheepishly. "Just had to get in it somehow. No camouflage about these skirts, is there?" And Clayton had noticed, with a thrill of sympathy, how wistfully Graham eyed the debonnair young Scot by adoption, and how Buckham had hovered over him, filling his plate and his glass. Even Graham noticed Buckham.

Even old Hatchetjaw, whose nickname correctly indicated the moral import of his countenance, sheepishly gave Moosoo, the old Frenchman, an ounce of gold-dust for an hour's labor bestowed on Hatchetjaw's self-asserting red hair.

"And now you must.... Is there a cigar handy?... Thanks.... This whiskey is prime stuff.... Go on. I'm waiting." "Well," Peter Kenny confessed sheepishly. "I'm in love " "And you proposed to her to-night at the ball?" "Yes, and " "She refused you." "Yes, but " "So you decided to do the manly thing go out and pollute yourself with drink?" "That's about the size of it," Peter admitted, shamefaced.

Unc' Billy looked down at Peter Rabbit and grinned. "Ah guess Mistah Coon done make a mistake when he went to bed in mah house," said he. And Bobby Coon sheepishly admitted that he did. "I'm Mr. Jaybird, tee-hee-hee! I'm Mr. Jaybird; you watch me! You've got to rise 'fore break of day If you want to fool old Mr. Jay."

He walked to the door and called out to some of the smugglers, "Here, Extry, Hankin, you fellows, just come in here, I want you a moment." The men came in quickly, and ranged themselves about the room, grinning cheerfully. "'Low me to introduce you," said Marah. "Our new apprentice, Mr Jim Davis." The men bowed to me sheepishly. "Glad to meet Mr Davis," said one of them.

But seeing the Rector and Johnny already on their knees in the grime, they pulled off their caps sheepishly and knelt: and after a moment the frightened youngster in the bows followed suit.