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The following morning I returned to Highfield feeling myself a better man and more independent now that I had myself only to depend on. I passed nearly a year at Highfield, during which time I made myself acquainted with all the routine of a sheep-farmer's life.

Before he had made up his mind, however, the steward was back with the sword, which the princess recognised at once. 'Where did you get this? she said to Niels. Niels was silent, and wondered what the usual penalty was for a poor sheep-farmer's son who was so unfortunate as to deliver a princess and carry off things from her bed-room.

This part of New South Wales, being so hilly, and consequently somewhat humid, does not answer the sheep-farmer's purposes; but the grazier finds his cattle and horses thrive well on these hills, and the agriculturist finds the valleys yield him excellent crops of tobacco, wheat, and maize.

As we rode up the long, sunny valley stretching away for miles at the back of the house, F pointed out to me, with all a sheep-farmer's pride, the hundreds of pretty little curly-fleeced lambs skipping about the low hill-sides.

It may be interesting here to give a general sketch of a sheep-farmer's life and work on his station, obtained from my experience at Highfield, and occasionally on other runs, during my five years' residence in the country, and this I will endeavour to do in the next chapter.