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Ed Sheehan and his daughter were great friends. After they had straightened out the muddle of books in Ed Sheehan's gritty, dusty little office Terry turned her piano-playing talent to practical account.

But Mauryeen is an honest man's wife, and whatever people may conjecture in their inmost hearts as to the truth or falsity of her mother's tale, they say nothing, for did not Father Tiernay declare such gossip to be a sin? But for all that Mauryeen's ways are finer and gentler than those of any woman in the Island. Mike Sheehan tossed awake in the moonlight.

I ain't down here after you this trip. Where you been, anyway, that you don't know the war's over? Why Coke Sheehan confessed a month ago that it was him that croaked Schneider, and the governor pardoned you about ten days ago." "You stringin' me?" asked Billy, a vicious glint in his eyes. "On the level," Flannagan assured him.

"Gee!" exclaimed Jim, "suppose a bowlder has rolled onto the track just ahead. It might happen easy enough too." Just then, Bill Sheehan, the fireman, touched Jim with the end of his shovel to call his attention to something they were coming to ahead.

As the taxi started she turned to Mullinix, demanding: "Now tell it to me all over again. When you are through, then I'll explain to you why I am so interested." "Well," he said, "there isn't so very much to tell. The address you gave me turned out to be a boarding house just as you suspected it might a second-rate place but apparently highly respectable, kept by a Mrs. Sheehan.

If the stories of Miss Somerville and "Martin Ross" are related to the comic stories of the old novelists of the gentry, those of Canon Sheehan must be associated with the work of the older novelists who wrote more or less in the spirit of the peasantry, that is, with Gerald Griffin, the Banim brothers, and William Carleton, less famous than he deserves to be by his Traits and Stories and a long line of novels and tales.

The Salisbury Government want to appeal to the country on the integrity of the empire, and, of course, for the last few days have tried all means to lead to this by raking up the Curtin case and all judicial cases, which must be avoided for a short time, as our stoppage to the Eviction Act will cover all this. Yours faithfully, J.D. SHEEHAN."

It went so much deeper that if psychology had not become a cant word we might drag it into the explanation. It went so deep that it's necessary to delve back to the days when Theresa Platt was Terry Sheehan to get the real significance of it, and of the things she did after she went. When Mrs.

'Ho, ho, ho! be quiet, John Sheehan, or else worse will happen to you. John instantly ran to the hall window, as the words were evidently spoken by a person immediately outside, but no one was visible.

The rest were concealed in his hand so that no one could see whether it was the short stick or not. "An' whose stick will it be?" Sullivan demanded. "For little Johnny Sheehan," O'Brien answered. Sullivan laid the stick aside. Those who looked could not tell if it were the fatal one. Sullivan held up another stick. "Whose will it be?" "For George Burns," was the reply.