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And this mental-conscious stage is a hard one for many. They are entangled in a mass of mental states which the man thinks is "himself," and the struggle between the real "I" and its confining sheaths is painful. And it becomes still more painful as the end is neared, for as man advances in mental-consciousness and knowledge he feels more keenly and suffers accordingly.

The following predisposing and accidental causes should be considered: Weak flexor tendons and heavy bodies predispose animals to inflammation of the tendons and suspensory ligament; quality, not size, is the factor to consider when judging the strength of a tendon; long, slender pasterns increase the strain on these structures, and this mechanical strain is further increased by low heels and long toes; the character of the work and the condition of the road that the animal travels over are important factors to consider; trotting and running horses more often suffer from injuries to tendons and ligaments than draft horses; travelling at a high rate of speed over an uneven road, slipping and catching the foot in a rut or car track, are common causes; bruises and wounds may result in the tendons becoming inflamed; inflammation of the tendinous sheaths and the tendons as well sometimes occurs in influenza.

It was Mab who carried her breakfast and ushered her down with some pride in the effect produced by a pair of tiny felt slippers which she had rushed out to buy because there were no shoes in the house small enough for Mirah, whose borrowed dress ceased about her ankles and displayed the cheap clothing that, moulding itself on her feet, seemed an adornment as choice as the sheaths of buds.

The sheaths surrounding the fiber bundles are connected with one another and also with the outer covering of the muscle, known as *The Perimysium.*—The plan of the muscle-organ is revealed through a study of the perimysium. This is not limited to the surface of the muscle, as the name suggests, but properly includes the sheaths that surround the bundles of fibers.

Captain Moore vociferated to the winds, "Number one to the front"; and hundreds of ammunition pouches rattled on the sheaths as the astonished foe vaulted out from the cover afforded by heaps of rubbish, and rushed for shelter to the barrack walls.

And after a pause, the organ, aided by two double-basses, bellowed out, carrying all the voices in its torrent baritones, tenors, basses, not now serving only as sheaths to the sharp blades of the urchin voices, but openly with full throated sound yet the dash of the little soprani pierced them through all at once like a crystal arrow.

Barefoot heard several people whispering and tittering behind her, but she kept her eyes fixed on the ground. She wondered if she had not ventured too far after all. In the fields, where the first ears of wheat were beginning to sprout and still lay half concealed in their green sheaths, the two stopped and stood looking at each other in silence. For a long time neither said a word.

When these tendon sheaths are opened, there follows a reaction which is quite analogous to that which exists in arthritic synovitis, but instead of ankylosis, adhesions with thecal obliteration occur. Rarely there result cartilaginous and osseous formations. The constitutional disturbances which characterize this condition vary with the degree of distress occasioned.