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Each man wore a long, stout, double-edged dagger in a sheath attached to his belt, as a protection against possible attacks by sharks, with which the waters of the harbour are known to swarm; while Milsom bore, in addition, a formidable lance for the same purpose, or, rather, for the purpose of protecting Jack while the latter worked.

My head has been full of other things, and any time will do. But I should like to see it in its own place once more. I had taken it from the wall, and now handed it to her. 'Is this it? she said carelessly. 'It is just as it was carried off my bed that night. 'What room were you in? she asked, trying to draw it from the sheath. 'I can't tell. I've never been in it since.

She pulled the reins over the little wild mare's head and tried to pull her ax from its sheath. But her benumbed fingers refused to act. "Keep moving, Jude!" urged Douglas. "Just till I can get a fire started. Don't stop walking for a moment!" When at last a blaze was going before the rocks, Doug unrolled the blankets from the lead-horse and wrapped Judith in them.

"No, sir, I don't think they do," said the sailor. "I asked one man out there if they didn't; and he pulls his'n out of its sheath, and it was all dingy like, and as sharp as a razor, and he says in his barbarous lingo, as a man put into English for me, as his knife would kill a man without poison." "What sort of wild beasts are there, Dick?" "Tigers, sir." "Honour bright, Dick?"

Truly do I say it that I will not put off my armour before I have slain Karna with my arrows in battle."" "Sanjaya said, 'Having said these words unto that foremost of virtuous persons, viz., Yudhishthira, Partha threw down his weapons and cast aside his bow and quickly thrust his sword back into its sheath.

Something whizzed past and struck the ground behind him, close to the fire. Instinctively he turned round to look at it. A kriss without its sheath lay by the embers; a sinuous dark object, looking like something that had been alive and was now crushed, dead and very inoffensive; a black wavy outline very distinct and still in the dull red glow.

Drawing his knife from its sheath, he cut the rough stitching of the grave-clothes, and, with numb hands, dragged them away from the body's head. The light went out behind a cloud, but, not to waste time, he began to feel the face. "Sir Christopher's nose wasn't broken," he muttered to himself, "unless it were in that last fray, and then the bone would be loose, and this is stiff.

A straight broadsword, with a handle of box-wood and a sheath covered with snakeskin, was suspended from his waist. In his right hand he held a short javelin, with a broad, bright steel head, of a span in length, and in his left he led by a leash of twisted silk and gold a large and noble staghound.

The lady walked straight up to them. "Well, little one!" she addressed Emilia; "I am glad you have recovered your voice. You play the game of tit-for-tat remarkably well. We will now sheath our battledores. There is my hand."

Turner to drink the King's health, he answered "No;" he was changed, and now, he that would make him drink the King's health, or any health but the Protector's and the State's, or to that purpose, he would be the first man should sheath his sword in his guts.