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"Olympius told me all about her. I know plenty of the same sort in the Church. They fling away life and happiness as if they were apple-peelings to snatch at something which they believe to constitute salvation. It is folly, madness! pure unmitigated madness! To have sung in the temple of the she-devil Isis with Gorgo and the other worshippers would have cost her her seat in Paradise.

"I should have killed him, shouldn't I, Mac killed him an' took her?" cried Brokaw huskily, his passion rising as he knotted his huge fists on the table. "Killed him like you killed the Breed for that long-haired she-devil over at Copper Cliff!" "I don't know," said David, slowly, praying that he might not say the wrong thing now. "I don't know what claim you had on her, Brokaw. If I knew...."

The storekeeper, as he rushed away after disposing of his mount, came upon Lieutenant Fraser, busily roaching his own riding-animal, a flighty buckskin cayuse that no one else cared to handle, and that was affectionately known in barracks as the "She-devil."

I'm thirsty." "Here, drink. It's true Valdepenas! We're so jolly here, we bandoleros! Ay! jaleo! jaleo! come, drink; our friends are coming." "What friends?" said Jacques, dropping the horn. "Don't be uneasy, but drink. The adventurer took the horn, and assumed an appearance of ease. "And who's that great she-devil I saw out there?" he said. "She seems half dead." "Oh, no! she's only mad.

He even dared not visit the secret telegraph address. "Old scoundrel!" raged Alan Hawke. "I will only get the first news after the fair and probably in a storm from Berthe. The denouement may occur with me languishing here in Capua. Suppose that this she-devil would bolt? Where would I land then?" He was most sadly rattled.

At this the wife of Sookdee fled, racing back toward the camp. One of the men darted forward to follow, but Hunsa stayed him, saying, "Let her go it is better; I war not upon Sookdee." He had the Gulab now in the grasp of both his huge paws, and holding her tight, said rapidly: "Be still you she-devil, accursed fool! You are going to a palace to be a queen. The son of the Peshwa desires you.

There's a story I've heard, to the effect that Russia arranged her marriage in the day when India was Russia's objective and that's how long ago? seems like weeks, not years! I've heard she loved her rajah. And I've heard she didn't! There's another story that she poisoned him. I know she got away with his money and that's proof enough of brains! Some say she's a she-devil.

"Who, then? No sidetracking, Dick. Who?" "The the nurse." "She-devil! Fell in love with her patient? I've struck that kind " "Stop!" Both men were on their feet and glaring at each other. "You are speaking of my future wife!" Ledyard loosened his collar and laughed! "You're mad!" he said faintly, "or a damned fool!" "I'm neither. I am engaged to marry Priscilla Glynn; have been since the summer.

Looks as though he was not so sure of holding it. Miss Turner told Miriam that her mother attempted to enter town after the fight to save some things, when the gallant Colonel Dudley put a pistol to her head, called her an old she-devil, and told her he would blow her d brains out if she moved a step; that anyhow, none but we d women had put the men up to fighting, and we were the ones who were to blame for the fuss.

It must then have been the milksop himself in some puling fit of pain or illness; and ably must the beggarly knave have managed it when he succeeded in changing the stern and flinty heart of such a she-devil. Yes, unquestionably that must be the true meaning of it; but, be it so for the present; the future is a different question.