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Octavius started as if he had been struck in the face by the flat of an enemy's hand. He stepped forward quickly and looked her straight in the eyes. "You she-devil," he said in a low clear voice, turned on his heel and left the room. He closed the door behind him, and felt of the knob to see that he had shut it tight.

Just as she reached the door, a loud cry burst upon her ear, and rushing forward, she found that her husband had wakened. "Ah!" roared Malmayns, raising himself in bed, as he perceived her, "are you come back again, you she-devil? Where is my mother? Where is Kerrich? What have you done with them?" "They have both got the plague," replied his wife. "They caught it from you. But never mind them.

Suddenly he took a step toward her with the threat of a roar in his voice, and again she found relief in the rising velocity of his anger and practically thrust herself in the hope of a blow. "What are you that I am married to," he cried, "a she-devil? What have I got to do? Treat you like one? Huh? Huh?"

The work of Darke, and that she-devil who goes about with him, I am willing to swear, colonel!" "Good heavens! Is it possible?" I said, "Swartz is shut up and left to starve?" "Exactly, colonel and here is how I know it. I was coming back, worn out by my long search after Swartz, when in passing this house, I came suddenly upon a picket of about fifty men.

"Where is your wife?" he repeated, thrusting his grim sardonic jaw and savage eyes into the old man's frightened face. "Where is Jack Adam's wife? Where is MY wife? Where is the she-devil that drove one man mad, that sent another to hell by his own hand, that eternally broke and ruined me? Where! Where! Do you ask where?

It couldn't have come at a better spot. If I don't make her hind wheels climb half way up it, we'll start walking about a second thereafter." "She's a two-fisted piece of machinery," Davies encouraged. "I know her kind. If she can't do it, no machine can that was ever made. Am I right, Beth?" "She's a regular, spunky she-devil," Miss Drexel laughed agreement.

Them's the lines she used to recite to me about her she-devil of a mother, too. Gad! she used to hang on her mother's apron-strings like she was tied." "Jerry, I " "Come, Peachy, don't get me sore. Come, let's talk about to-morrow. We gotta get the license first and " "Jerry, I Promise me I can have her with me first. I Just a little yes is all I want Jerry dear just a little yes."

It is not necessary to say what further remedies were employed by them to restore the Captain to health; but after some time the doctor, pronouncing that the danger was, he hoped, averted, recommended that his patient should be put to bed, and that somebody should sit by him; which Brock promised to do. "That she-devil will murder me, if you don't," gasped the poor Count.

"Of course, with your occupation, one cannot even hope that you should have time to come to us, that is, in the way of calling. And at your English dinner-parties all is so dull and so stately. Do you know, my lord, that in coming to England my only consolation has been the thought that I should know you;" and she looked at him with the look of a she-devil.

But again he was unable to touch the "She-devil." In a fury, he threw the empty flask at her. From his hiding-place beside the barracks, the Indian in squaw's dress saw the signal-torch of the interpreter. At once, he sneaked from side to side to listen. Then he took a wisp of grass, bound round it a strip of oily cloth and, kneeling beside the bundle farthest from the river, set a match to it.