United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After Colonel Shaw led his charge at Fort Wagner, and died in the conflict, he got bravely over his prejudices. The conduct of the colored troops there and elsewhere has done much to turn public opinion in their favor. I suppose any white soldier would rather have his black substitute receive the bullets than himself." "Where is Tom?" asked Captain Sybil; "I have not seen him for several hours."

W. B. Shaw, a seventy-year-old veteran who lost his right arm during the Civil War, lives in Kenilworth, D. C., and clears $1500 an acre every year out of mud puddles if mud puddles can be measured by the acre. Mr. Shaw is a pond lily farmer, and despite his lack of his good right arm, he poles his boat about his mud puddles and gathers in the pond lilies.

On the other, or western side, the Carthaginian dominions extended as far as the Pillars of Hercules, a distance, according to Polybius, of 16,000 stadia, or 2000 miles; but, according to the more accurate observations of Dr. Shaw, only 1420 geographical miles.

But whenever Shaw shows the Puritan hardness or even the Puritan cheapness, he shows something also of the Puritan nobility, of the idea that sacrifice is really a frivolity in the face of a great purpose. The reasonableness of Calvin and his followers will by the mercy of heaven be at last washed away; but their unreasonableness will remain an eternal splendour.

"I hope you will find time to help Hugh up from the bottom, in a class or two," said Mr. Shaw. "You will not be too busy about your own affairs to look to his I suppose." "Where is the use of my meddling?" said Phil. "He can't rise for years to come. Besides " "Why can't I rise?" exclaimed Hugh, with glowing cheeks. "That is right, Hugh," said his uncle.

Shaw, is a mere matter-of-fact man, who is particularly unsuited to him an objector to every thing new, a curtailer and contemner of all eloquence: poor Temple is uneasy and discontented; he would give up his situation to-morrow but that he cannot quit Lord Oldborough.

Fighting was out of the question: we urged our feeble animals up the gulch as far as there was footing for a hoof, then threw ourselves out of our saddles and took to the chaparral on one of the slopes, abandoning our entire outfit to the enemy. But we retained our rifles, every man Ramon Gallegos, William Shaw, George W. Kent and Berry Davis." "Same old crowd," said the humorist of our party.

When accused of impertinence towards the greatest of the Elizabethans, Bernard Shaw had said, "Shakespeare is a much taller man than I, but I stand on his shoulders" an epigram which sums up this doctrine with characteristic neatness. But Shaw fell off Shakespeare's shoulders with a crash.

Shaw telling Tooke that he did not do credit to Crofton air, so puny as he seemed: and that he looked at that moment more like one that had had a bad accident than Hugh did. When Mr. Shaw perceived how the boy's eyes filled with tears in an instant, he probably thought within himself that Tooke was sadly weak-spirited, and altogether more delicate than he had been aware of.

Prince Firoze Shaw would have protested that when he left Persia he was master of his own heart: but, at that instant, one of the princess's ladies in waiting came to tell that a collation was served up. This interruption delivered the prince and princess from an explanation, which would have been equally embarrassing to both, and of which they stood in need.