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His hair had been cut, he had shaved off his ragged beard, and he was dressed in clean clothing that Donald had lent him. He, of course, had heard of Hubbard's death from Donald and Allen, and when he clasped my hand in a firm grip to help me from the boat, he said: "Well, Wallace, Hubbard's gone." "Yes," I said, "Hubbard's gone."

It was somewhat such a savage as this with whom we have to deal. He was nineteen years old, six feet high, weighed one hundred sixty pounds, and as he had never shaved, had a downy beard all over his face. His great shock of brown hair tumbled to his shoulders.

With the Prince de Joinville went Bertrand and Gourgaud, who had been the Emperor's companions in captivity. The coffin was raised and opened. The face was perfect. The beard, which had been shaved before the burial, had apparently a week's growth.

But the spare bedroom was endowed with all sorts of splendour: a bed as big as a general's tent, a cheval glass whereas the Colonel shaved in a little cracked mirror, which cost him no more than King Stephen's breeches and a handsome new carpet; while the boards of the Colonel's bedchamber were as bare as bare as old Miss Scragg's shoulders, which would be so much more comfortable were they covered up.

It was a map of Celebes, and across the face of it ran red lines. Celebes is shaped like no other island on earth. It is like a nightmarish starfish shaved clean of legs on one side. It is nothing but a series of peninsulas, and along each peninsula runs a mountain range, from which rivers small or fairly big run either way into the sea.

The poor man did not fail, hoping to gain two or three crowns; for it appeared so natural to defend an unarmed man that he attached little value to his services, considering his own danger not worth a thought. He put on his best array, shaved, and made many reverences to the porter and the numerous lackeys previous to an introduction to the master, who was much more polite than the valets.

"Well, I think its strange, astonished expression, due to the total absence of eyebrows, and the funny foreign cut of the hair." "So close that it almost looks as if it had been shaved. Exactly. That is what struck me most when I elbowed my way into the court that morning and first caught sight of the millionaire in the dock.

He hed a new suit, 'n' he looked like a major. You ain't got no idea what he was, 'cause his eyes is dull now, 'n' he 's bowed all over, 'n' ain't shaved nor combed, hardly; but they was the han'somest couple that ever walked up the broad aisle.

He was a quiet retiring lad, one could almost say not quite of this world and what was unusual was that he couldn't shave himself, up to that time his mother had always shaved him; adapting to the army life was a real challenge for him but I suppose the army was happy to have another warm body.

He then, as it was now far on in the night, first took down the body of his brother, and then in mockery shaved the right cheeks of all the guards; and after that he put the dead body upon the asses and drove them away home, having accomplished that which was enjoined him by his mother.