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Indians walked among the whites; negroes as porters, laborers, bootblacks, were plentiful; there were countless drinking places and new hotels; there were sharpers, adventurers, blacklegs, men of prey of all description, prostitutes, the camp followers of new settlements, houses of vice, restaurants, gardens.

Every one wants to be rich in a hurry, and as no regular business will accomplish this, here or elsewhere, speculation is resorted to. The sharpers and tricksters who infest Wall Street, know this weakness of New York merchants.

They would not be dishonest, but they will use a thousand deceitful words and ways, and countenance the society of men known as hawkers, sharpers, and deceivers. They would not be irreligious, but they smile upon the most irreligious men, and even show that they love to be wooed by them.

Nelson commented, "these sharpers, 'confidence men, as you call them, often manage to keep just within the law." "Oh yes," said Allen, "they manage to keep the letter of the law sometimes. But that is just a caution to save their own necks. It's the spirit of the law that they violate. But we are getting away from the point," he added, pulling himself up short with an apologetic smile toward Mrs.

Otto said he would not be likely to find another place that suited him so well; that he was tired of farming and thought he would go back to what he called thewild West.” Jake Marpole, lured by Otto’s stories of adventure, decided to go with him. We did our best to dissuade Jake. He was so handicapped by illiteracy and by his trusting disposition that he would be an easy prey to sharpers.

"It's pretty tough, in fact, about the toughest I ever saw," replied Van Dorn, "but then, you remember we got a hint at Silver City that they were sharpers."

"Nothing was wanting to Raoul Nathan but to be the dupe he now is to a parcel of intriguing sharpers," replied the count. Felix, whose knowledge of the world and politics enabled him to judge clearly, had seen Nathan's true position.

On the minor gambling houses your worship may exercise your power, and it is they that do most harm and shelter the most barefaced practices; for in the houses of lords and gentlemen of quality the notorious sharpers dare not attempt to play their tricks; and as the vice of gambling has become common, it is better that men should play in houses of repute than in some tradesman's, where they catch an unlucky fellow in the small hours of the morning and skin him alive."

And I've seen some of the raw deals these sharpers put through doing widows and orphans out of their land. Makes you have a mighty small opinion of the law, I declare it does." As he spoke the train slowed up, then stopped. "No station," puzzled the Texan. "Let's go and find out the trouble." He started for the door, and then the train started, bumped, and came to a standstill again.

He did all this at his own expense, and at the same time he kept his principal out of the clutches of gamblers and sharpers. It was for his interest to be of actual use to the man whose desires he aimed to gratify, and so to guard and shadow him that no deep harm would come to him. It was for his interest to keep Mr.