United States or Senegal ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And We do hereby further will and ordain that every question submitted to a general court shall be decided by a show of hands, unless before or upon the declaration of the result of the show of hands, a poll is demanded by at least five members present at such general court, and holding in the aggregate not less than One hundred shares, and unless a poll is so demanded a declaration by the Chairman that the motion has been carried or lost, or carried or lost by a particular majority, shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or the proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against the motion, and that if a poll is demanded as aforesaid, it shall be taken in such manner and at such time and place and either at once or after an interval or adjournment, as the Chairman of the general court directs, and the result of such poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the general court at which the poll was demanded.

I shall have twice my wages at the Territorial, be lodged comfortably, five shares in the new bank, and all my arrears paid. All I need is a little money to go there and to pay a few small debts round here. Good luck! My fortune is assured. I shall write to the notary of Montbars to mortgage my vineyard.

You know what the poet says: "'An' there be one who shares with me her love I'd strangle Love tho' Life by Love were slain, Saying, O Soul, Death were the nobler choice, For ill is Love when shared twixt partners twain." "You are fond of your poets," said Aimée with stiff lips. "You you kindle poetic fires, my little one.

Flat, offering nothing but a tiny bay for the convenience of embarkation, and under the protection of the governor, who went shares with them, smugglers made use of it as a provisional entrepot, at the expense of not killing the game or devastating the garden.

Some trouble about the currents, I believe. You note that small man, with the sharp face the one sipping a glass, to the right of the table? That is Mr. Boskirk, inventor of the 'Submarine Summer House, a species of diving bell, which is to be owned and managed by a Joint-Stock Company. I have promised to take a few shares in the concern."

"I don't deserve it," she said, "to have you help me, because I started to do you a wrong. I didn't know you then, nor your generous heart and so I made the agreement with Stoddard. I was to go to Gunsight and get acquainted with you and get you to come back to New York and for that I was to receive two thousand shares of Tecolote stock.

It became, therefore, an object of the government to get rid, in the first place, of these irredeemable annuities; and this could be effected, if the national creditor could be induced to accept of shares in the South Sea Company, instead of his irredeemable annuities, or, as they are now variously called, consols, stocks, and national funds.

I reckoned that on the matter o' holdin' property and passin' in money it would be better to hev your name put on the square, and to sorter go down to bed rock for it, eh? If I wanted to take a hand in them lots or Ditch shares, for instance it would be only law to hev it made out in the name o' d'Aubigny." Mr. Ford listened with certain impatient contempt.

"He bought the shares only two months before his death, which makes the matter all the more singular." "What did father say, Cuthbert?" the girl said, after a short pause. "I suppose you spoke to him about it."

He is still secretary, and to-day in 1918 the five-dollar shares are worth one hundred and four dollars each, by the simple process of accumulation of profits. The loan has been repaid years ago. Not a barrow load of fish leaves the harbour except through the coöperative store. Due to it, the people have been able to tide over a series of bad fisheries; and every family is free of debt.