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But Cecil suddenly sat bolt upright, his little face quite pink with excitement at recollection of these Alpine exploits. 'Yes, Sara had come down off the wardrobe she'd been sitting on the carved piece she says that's the Schreckhorn! but she'd come down off it, and we was just jumping about all those mountains like two shamrocks 'Like what? when she came in. 'Yes, agreed Sara.

And, O God! worse than all, they robbed him of his rosary, and of the little bunch of shamrocks which were the only legacy of his dying mother to him, and which his sister Bridget and he took so much pains to keep alive in a small glass vase brought from Ireland.

The things which before the peasant children did for sport they now did for profit as well. It caused the greatest surprise in the minds of the people when they discovered that anybody could want their blackberries and their mushrooms; that money was to be made out of even the gathering of shamrocks.

Each worked at a half of the bag. jane's half had four-leaved shamrocks embroidered on it. And even so, Anthea had to draw the pattern for her. Anthea's side of the bag had letters on it worked hastily but affectionately in chain stitch. They were something like this: PSAMS TRAVEL CAR She would have put 'travelling carriage', but she made the letters too big, so there was no room.

One is a bunch of shamrocks sent to me, with the message: "With Michael Davitt's compliments, "Richmond Prison, Patrickstide, 1883" The other is his last letter to me, written not long before his death. It was dated "St. Justin's, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, 7th March, 1906." In this he said: "I hope you are in good health and not growing too old.

The thing is rubbish read anyway, and the only difficulty is to get a joke good enough to express it. It is a case for the Court Jester. The phantasy of it could only be expressed by some huge ceremonial hoax. Carson ought to be crowned with the shamrocks and emeralds and followed by green-clad minstrels of the Clan-na-Gael, playing "The Wearing of the Green." Belated Chattiness by Wireless

In Carbon, where I arrive after dark, I mention among other things in reply to the usual volley of questions, the fact of having to foot it so great a proportion of the way through the mountain country; and shortly afterward, from among a group of men, I hear a voice, thick and husky with "valley tan," remark: " Faith, Oi cud roide a bicycle meself across the counthry av yeez ud lit me walluk it afut!" and straightway a luminous bunch of shamrocks dangled for a brief moment in the air, and then vanished.

I knelt down, I did, an' kissed the sods which covered her grave, an' prayed that the blessin' which she pronounced before she died, wid her hand restin' on me head, might follow me wheriver I might go." The boy took from his pocket a small parcel, carefully inclosed in a paper, which he handed to me, saying "I gathered these shamrocks from off me mother's grave, before I lift it forever."

Patrick, Brian Bora, Sarsfield, O'Connell, the Irish Wolf Dog, with the motto "Gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked," and harps and shamrocks galore, but Thade Crowley was in all our eyes the finest figure in the procession. Among his greatest admirers were a Jewish family named Hyman, who lived next door to him.

The man was going to shut the window, when the woman already stood before him again. "Now it's done," she said; "but I shall have half the beer to brew over again to-morrow, if the weather is suitable. Well, what have you to ask me? I've come back, for I always keep my word, and you have seven four-leaved shamrocks in your pocket, and one of them is a six-leaved one.