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Henry V. visited this hermitage; and Shakspeare, on what authority we know not, is said to have frequented it. KENILWORTH follows Guy's Cliff, once a retired country village of one street, one church, and one inn, now vulgarized by being made the site of a railway station.

" -She will outstrip all praise, And make it halt behind her ." Johnson said nothing. Garrick then ventured to observe, "I do not think that the happiest line in the praise of Shakspeare."

Which shows that one can pun with a heavy heart. This is one of the things Shakspeare knew and Dr. Johnson didn't. In the afternoon, Esther went round to Zachariah Square. She did not meet any of the old faces as she walked through the Ghetto, though a little crowd that blocked her way at one point turned out to be merely spectators of an epileptic performance by Meckisch.

What can be more trivial than that old story of opening the folio Shakspeare that used to lie in some ancient English hall and finding the flakes of Christmas pastry between its leaves, shut up in them perhaps a hundred years ago?

To have dreamed and hoped for a certain thing, and then by my own actions to frustrate it was to be my fate. "Oh God! that one might read the book of fate!" Shakspeare. But I felt this way. If he was going to be jealous it was better to know it now, rather than when to late and perhaps a number of offspring.

Compare the poets that babble of green fields with those who deal in the actions and passions of men, such as Shakspeare, and it must be confessed that it is not those who have looked at external nature who are the true poets, but those who have seen and considered most about the business and bosom of man.

White wisely and kindly leaves us to Shakspeare and our own imaginations, two very potent spells to conjure with, and seems to be aware of the fact, that, in its application to a creative mind like that of the great Poet, the science of teleology may sometimes find itself as much at fault as it so often is in attempting to fathom the designs of the Infinite Creator.

Should my innocent babes and my devoted wife be left to perish of starvation while I continued my poetical comparison of the two Williams, Shakspeare and Watson? Inhuman selfishness! Of course it was my plain duty to sacrifice my inclinations, and get my fly-rod, and row away across the bay, with a deceptive appearance of cheerfulness, to catch a basket of trout in

Why do the Germans leave this place so dirty? The rooms of Shakspeare are kept clean and in repair; the Catholics enshrine in gold and silver the relics of their saints, but this Protestant Mecca is left literally to the moles and the bats. I slipped aside a panel in the curious old windows, and looked down into the court surrounded by the university buildings.

He was deemed a master of it, nevertheless; and it is curious that Ben Jonson applies to him in prose the same commendation which he gave Shakspeare in verse, saying, that he "performed that in our tongue which may be compared or preferred either to insolent Greece or haughty Rome"; and he adds this pregnant sentence: "In short, within his view and about his time were all the wits born that could honor a language or help study.