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It's kind of comforting to have you there. You understand. I sha'n't cry any more. Tell me a story with apple-blossoms in it about people who are happy." Miserably his thoughts shuttled to and fro in search of what he knew she wanted a love story. Presently he began to weave a tale, sorry enough, with all the ancient claptraps and rusted platitudes.

The child's manner was full of the assured graciousness of a high-born gentleman; there was a lovable quality in his very patronage, and the suffering and the sweetness and the pride combined held Lincoln by his sense of humor as well as by his soft heart. "You sha'n't lose anything by it," the youngster went on. "We may be poor, but we have more than plenty to pay you, I'm sure.

Stewart Morrison is in that State House like tissue-paper napkins are in Tophet." "But sha'n't I send in what Lanigan says?" "We won't have any room for the joke column in the morning," returned the city editor, hanging up. Capitol Square was choked with men. The gathering was characteristically a mob made up of diverse elements. It was not swayed by a set purpose and a common motive.

If you can help me to get her back, articled and engaged say for three years, I am willing and happy, ma'am, to pay something handsome, uncommon handsome." "Speak to that gentleman; he may treat with you." LOSELY. "What do you call uncommon handsome, Mr. Mr. Tugge?" RUGGE. "Rugge! Sir; we sha'n't disagree, I hope, provided you have the power to get Waife to bind the girl to me."

But mamma was thinking of the picture she wanted to make, and at last she said: "We sha'n't get to Banbury Cross to-day, Lila Blumen; so you must fall off your horse, darling, and nursey will take you, while I go to fetch my crayons." She had just taken her little pet by the hand to lead her from the room, when the door-bell rang. "That's Mrs. Fitzgerald," said she.

I shall soon know if he is married or not, and if he is, why, what's done can't be undone, and it's no use crying over spilt milk, and we'll be off home, though I doubt I sha'n't live to get there, and if he isn't why so much the better." "Oh! nurse, do stop talking, and go quickly; can't you see that I am in an agony of suspense? I must get it over one way or the other."

But now dear me, I've had a scare this time, and I'll take no more chances. Not a single chance more. Land! I persuaded myself this evening that I could fetch him around without any great amount of effort, but I've been getting more and more heavyhearted and doubtful straight along, ever since. If he tells me about this thing, all right; but if he doesn't, I sha'n't let on.

It's horribly dirty and stuffy and cobwebby in here! Couldn't we wait a few moments till some air gets in?" implored Cynthia in a muffled voice. "I sha'n't wait a moment, but you may if you wish," called back Joyce. "But I know you won't! Mind your head! These are the tiniest, lowest stairs I've ever seen!"

'Yes, Radie; ha, ha! of course I promise. 'Upon your honour? 'Upon my honour there. 'I believe, you gentlemen dragoons observe that oath I hope so. If you choose to break it you may give me some trouble, but you sha'n't compromise me. And now, Stanley, one word more. I fancy Mr. Wylder is a resolute man none of the Wylders wanted courage.

"I shall die of fright. You sha'n't go!" screamed Laura, as the two sisters clung on to the skirts of his jacket, and effectually prevented his escape, unless, like the patriarch, he had left his garment behind. Newton cast an appealing glance at Isabel, who immediately interfered, "Charlotte, for shame! you are preventing Mr Forster from going to his duty.