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"Wall," sez he, cross as a bear, "that is the way you'll have to take me back, if you go on in this way much longer." "In what way, Josiah?" sez I. "Why a findin' springs and draggin' a man off to 'em, and makin' him drink." "Why, Josiah Allen," sez I, "I told you not to drink don't you remember?" "No! I don't remember nuthin', nor don't want to.

"That's good from YOU, miss," said Dick, giving way to a fit of hilarity. "That's good for a fash'nable young lady own daughter of Philip Carr. She sez, says she," continued Dick, appealing to the sedate pines for appreciation of Christie's rare humor, "'Wot's the use of a flume, when gold ain't there? I must tell that to the boys."

"Wall," sez I, "I am a disap'inted creeter. I wanted to do my part towards gittin' them good, noble folks enough to live on till Spring." Sez I, "Who is it that you are willin' to make such a extraordinary outlay for?" "The Rager," sez he. "The Rager," sez I dreamily; "who's that?" "Why, the Rager from India. I spoze," sez he, "that he is one of the raginest men that you ever see.

But oh, the agony of my soul if I should see you a tryin' to disfigure yourself in that way." "You needn't be afraid, Samantha," sez he, "I am dressy, and always wuz, but I haint such a fool as that, as to kill myself in perfect agony, for fashion."

I didn't say in my prayer what way, I just said a way, that a way would be pervided. And when I seen you and the young lady turnin' in the alley, I sez to Maria, 'never try to shake my faith no more, the clouds has been lifted!" Mrs. Ivy, who was much more given to dispensing morals than money, shifted her position. "Mr.

"Yes," sez I, "it would be uneek, uneeker than will ever come to pass." "Well, I d'no," sez he, "Ury and me could make a crackin' good gondola out of the old stun boat, kinder hist it up in front and whittle out a head on it and a neck some like an old gander's.

Well I knowed 'em, and I sez to myself almost wildly: Oh, Duty! must I cling to thy apron-strings here and now, enjoyin' as I do poor health and in another woman's room?

And there wuz great strains put onto our minds, us men that sot, that wimmen couldn't be expected to grapple with, and hadn't ort to try to. It wuz a great strain onto us." "What was the nater of the strain?" sez I. "I didn't know as you did a thing only sot still there and go to sleep. You wuz fast asleep there most the hull of the time, for it come straight to me from them that know.

Their wages was on a table forninst a big, fine, red buck av a man sivun fut high, four fut wide, an' three fut thick, wid a fist on him like a corn-sack. He was payin' the coolies fair an' easy, but he wud ask each man if he wud raffle that month, an' each man sez? "Yes," av course.

Sez I, "I saw them two young men coming out of a saloon not a half hour before, and" sez I, "they look to me dissipated and mean. They drink; I know by their looks they do." And she sez, "Oh, dear madam, I only went out to take the air a little while. You know I care for nobody in this country. My heart is in old Normandie," sez she, the tears welling up to the blue well of her eyes.