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"Keep your thoughts under cover," said Pertinax, glancing at the steward and the slaves who were beginning to carry in the meal. But he was evidently pleased, and Sextus's next words pleased him more: "I am ready to do more than think about you, I will follow where you lead except into licentiousness!" He lay on both elbows and stared at the scene with disgust.

If not you whom? Take take me!" And she fell forward in a swoon, and Demetrius caught her in his powerful arms. "This is the affianced wife of Quintus Drusus?" he cried to Agias. "None other." "She is worthy of Sextus's son. A right brave lady!" cried the pirate. "But this is no place for her, poor thing.

His own trick of finishing people's sentences did not annoy Sextus nearly as much as Sextus's trick of pounding on inaccuracies irritated him. He pressed his horse into a canter and for a while they rode beside the stream called the "Donkey-drowner" without further conversation, each man striving to subdue the ill-temper that was on the verge of outbreak.

Then some years after her death he took in marriage a reigning beauty, a certain Valeria, who soon developed such extravagance and frivolity, that, soon after she bore him a daughter, he was forced "to send her a messenger"; in other words, to divorce her. The daughter had been put under the guardianship of Sextus's sister-in-law Fabia, one of the Vestal virgins at Rome.

There came a series of sounds at the pavilion entrance, where a litter was set down on marble pavement and a eunuch's shrill voice criticized the slow unrolling of a carpet. "What did I warn you?" Norbanus whispered, laughing in Sextus's ear.

And as the war was drawn out into a great length, Marcus came from Rome to take Sextus's government upon him. But Caesar was slain by Cassius and Brutus in the senate-house, after he had retained the government three years and six months. This fact however, is related elsewhere.