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It is well known that the English have not much excelled in that kind of literature. He died in 1623, aged seventy-three years. We shall mention the king himself at the end of these English writers; because that is his place, when considered as an author.

Corey, the father, was one of the veterans, having held the reins during thirty-two years; he died March 15, 1857, at the age of seventy-three.

I suppose I might go so far as to say in most ways, and be within the facts, but never mind; let it go at SOME. One of the ways in which it exercises this birthright is as I think continuing to use our laughable alphabet these seventy-three years while there was a rational one at hand, to be had for the taking.

There was the mystery of that nocturnal minstrelsy. Seventy-three bells in chromatic diapason with their tinkling, ringing, tolling, knolling peal! Was not that a chime? a chime of chimes? And all these goblin hammers, like hands and feet of sprites, rising and falling, by magic, by hidden mechanism. Of all German cactus blossoms this is the most ethereal.

Considering the impossibility of replacing the men, and the fruitless waste of valuable ammunition, September 26th was an evil day for the Boer cause. The British casualties amounted to seventy-three. The water of the garrison of Fort Itala had been cut off early in the attack, and their ammunition had run low by evening.

The conversation relative to the particulars of the battle of the Nile was resumed, and Anderson observed "What an awful sight it must have been to behold the blowing up of the L'Orient French three-decker, with upwards of a thousand men on board! Merciful Heaven! so many poor fellows launched into eternity in one moment! They say there were but seventy-three saved."

The Queen Mother had fussed and fidgeted all the time, although she had laid nine hundred and seventy-three eggs while waiting, and that in spite of interruptions. "Being busy keeps me from thinking," said she, "and I must do something."

When he considered himself to have acquired the necessary information, he fitted out two vessels at his own expense: the Swan, of twenty-five tons, commanded by his brother John, and the Pasha of Plymouth, of seventy tons. The two vessels had as crew seventy-three jack-tars, who could be thoroughly depended on.

In a letter written to me a few weeks after this time, upon an occasion when he divined that some word from him would be more than commonly dear, he recurred to the feeling he then expressed: "Fifty-six years ago more than half a century I lost my own father, his age being seventy-three years.

In the Lexington-Concord fight, the first engagement between British and native Americans, the former lost two hundred and seventy-three, and the latter about one hundred, in killed and wounded, twenty-three towns being represented among the wounded and slain. "It was not a great fight in itself, but it was great, and even grand, in its consequences. On that day a nation was born.