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We have no doubt that his anticipations will be fully realized; for we can scarcely conceive of anything better calculated to heal the "mind diseased," than daily intercourse with these voiceless, but gladsome children of Nature. It is twenty-four feet wide and seventy-five long. It has a low, curved roof, and side sashes three feet six inches high.

Down to yesterday's post outward, my clergyman alone had written one thousand and seventy-five letters to relatives and friends of the lost people. In the absence of self-assertion, it was only through my now and then delicately putting a question as the occasion arose, that I became informed of these things.

Well," he said sharply, "do you begin to see how you come into this?" "See what?" asked Wilkinson, blankly. "The insurable value of the various properties of the company must amount to six or eight million dollars. The average rate on those properties would probably be about seventy-five cents per hundred dollars a year for insurance.

"How in the world, then, have you managed to keep yourself and three children from actual want?" "I have not been able, doctor," she replied, with some bitterness. "We have wanted almost every thing." "So I should suppose. What rent do you pay for this poor place?" "Three dollars a month." "What! seventy-five cents a week! and not able to earn upon an average more than a dollar a week?"

Uncle Jim gravely took a pill and swallowed it, and handed the box back to his partner. "We'll leave it on the table, sociable like, in case any of the boys come in," said Uncle Billy, taking up the cards. "Well. How do we stand?" Uncle Jim consulted the memorandum-book. "You were owin' me sixty-two thousand dollars on the last game, and the limit's seventy-five thousand!"

Glozel had said to her neighbours afterwards that the funeral cost over seventy-five dollars and had set up a stone to her memory on which was carved, "Chez nous autrefois, et chez Dieu maintenant" which was to say, "Our home once, and God's Home now." That done, with a sorrow which still had the peace of finality in his mind, he had turned his face to the West.

Not only did it sweep away ninety percent of the native cattle but it also destroyed more than seventy-five per cent of the buffalos, antelopes and other hoofed game of Rhodesia. It was feared that many species would be completely exterminated, but happily that fear was not realized.

Listen to the voice of Goethe, "In all my seventy-five years I have not had four weeks of genuine well-being;" to the confession of our own famous poet, My life is in the yellow leaf, The flowers, the fruits of love are gone; The worm, the canker, and the grief Are mine alone.

Let us say two words on the subject of the lodging, which the smith occupied in the Common Dwelling-house, at the incredibly low rate of seventy-five francs per annum like the other bachelors on the establishment.

Paul Vincent, a cousin of Philippe mentioned above, and, like him, a chief of the tribe and a renowned builder of snow-shoes, paid two hundred and seventy-five dollars for a piano for his daughter, when I was at Quebec, five or six years ago.