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I will give him Cardinal Bembo for a teacher, and he shall fill my walls with historical pictures." The artist's behaviour was no sign of servility, but the simple recognition of forms and customs which the people themselves had made and by which they had decided they should graciously be bound.

We never find in him the wearisome pedantry of the Jews of his time, those declamations against idolatry, so familiar to his co-religionists from the time of Alexander, and which fill, for instance, the book of "Wisdom." That which struck him in the pagans was not their idolatry, but their servility.

To fail will be fatal. Even a duped people, trained in servility, will not consent to be governed by an unsuccessful autocracy. Arrogantly Germany has staked her all on world domination. Hence a victory for the Allies must mean a democratic Germany. Nothing short of victory.

"Get up!" said Pelham to the culprit, sternly, for anything like servility was very disgusting to him, and probably he had his own views in regard to Mr. Hamblin. McDougal obeyed this imperative command, and though, ordinarily, a young man of nerve and of much self-possession, he appeared to be trembling with apprehension.

It is dreadful to hear the noise and uproar of an infuriated multitude stung by the sense of wrong and maddened by sympathy; it is more appalling to think of the smile answered by other gracious smiles, of the whisper echoed by other assenting whispers, which doom them first to despair and then to destruction. Popular fury finds its counterpart in courtly servility.

He is coy in his approaches to power; his public spirit is, in a manner, under the rose. He thus reaps the credit of independence, without the obloquy; and secures the advantages of servility, without incurring any obligations. He has two strings to his bow: he by no means neglects his worldly interests, while he expects a bright reversion in the skies. Mr.

The banker, quite discomfited on seeing the effect of his words, continued: "You object to this journey? If so, I am willing to give it up." The young wife was touched by this humble servility. "Well, yes," she said, softly, "I should be grateful to you." "I had hoped to please you," said Cayrol. "It is for me to beg pardon for having succeeded so badly. Let us remain in Paris.

The visitor was not up to the mark in appointment, but there was that in his air and tone which Bower recognized. He would see. Would he be good enough to walk in? When he returned after a few minutes, indifference had given place to servility. Would Mr. Keats please be good enough to walk into the drawing-room? Thankee, sir. The ladies would be down in a few moments.

There are not many lawyers, even of the first rank, with whom their big clients reverse the attitude of servant and master. Norman might well have been flattered. In that restrained tone from one used to servility and fond of it and easily miffed by lack of it was the whole story of Norman's long battle and splendid victory.

He had been apprised a month before of the coming of Berselius's expedition, and one might imagine the servility which this man would show to the all-powerful Berselius, whose hunting expeditions were red-carpeted, who was hail-fellow-well-met with Leopold, who, by lifting his finger, could cause Andreas Meeus to be dismissed from his post, and by crooking his finger cause him to be raised to a Commissionership.