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A little after two o'clock a cab drove to the after gangplank and stopped. From it alighted a young man of whom I shall later have occasion to tell you more, followed by Dr. Schermerhorn. The young man carried only a light leather "serviette," such as students use abroad; while the doctor fairly staggered under the weight of a square, brass-bound chest without handles.

Da Souza, who opened the door for them, returned to his seat, moodily flicking the crumbs from his trousers with his serviette. "Hang it all, Trent," he remarked in an aggrieved tone, "you might be a bit more amiable! Nice lively dinner for the women I must say." "One isn't usually amiable to guests who stay when they're not asked," Trent answered gruffly.

I prefer those scandals which verge on the criminal," the colonel went on. The outraged Mr. Crotin was rolling his serviette. "Where are you going? What are you going to do? The night's young," said the colonel innocently. "I'm going," said Mr. Crotin, very red of face. "A joke's a joke, and when friend Crewe introduced me to you, I hadn't any idea that you were that kind of man.

"My name," Anna replied calmly, "is certainly Pellissier, but I repeat that I do not know you. I never have known you." He unfolded his serviette with fingers which shook all the time. His eyes never left her face. An ugly flush stained his cheeks. "I've plenty of pals," he said, "who, when they've been doing Paris on the Q.T., like to forget all about it even their names. But you "

On Mondays and Tuesdays, perhaps, I could enjoy life at the rate of five hundred a year clean serviette a penny extra, and twopence to the waiter, whose income must have been at least four times my own. But from Wednesday to Saturday I had to wander in the wilderness of back streets and silent squares dinnerless, where there were not even to be found locusts and wild honey.

If the guilty party would immediately return the stolen towel, he, The Fencer, would guarantee that party pardon; if not, everyone present should be searched, and the man on whose person the serviette was found va attraper quinze jours de cabinot. This eloquence yielding no results, The Fencer exorted the culprit to act like a man and render to Caesar what is Caesar's. Nothing happened.

Of course, Mademoiselle was worried lest the wine run over on her gown and while thus preoccupied, the waiter, stammering apologies, mopped up the table cloth with his serviette mopped up the wine and cleverly covering the bag folded it in the napkin and hurried away. In two minutes he had opened it, abstracted the letter from the young ordnance officer; and was back, apologizing to the Pavlowa.

There was something kingly in the contempt with which Breitmann swept the startled faces. He stepped up to the table, took up a full glass of wine and threw it into Picard's face. "Only one of us shall leave Corsica," said the dupe. "Certainly it will not be your majesty," replied Picard, wiping his face with a serviette. "His majesty will waive his rights to meet me.

A clean white serviette is generally pinned round this before it comes to table. Various attractive-looking brown crocks are sold for the purpose. But anyone who possesses the old-fashioned "beef-tea" jar needs nothing else. It is important to ensure that a new casserole does not crack the first time of using.

His bow to Wrayson was subtly different. Here was perhaps an aristocrat under an assumed name, a person to be, without doubt, conciliated. "Monsieur," he announced, with a little flourish of the white serviette which, from habit, he was carrying, "there is outside a young lady from the chateau who is inquiring for you." "Which way?" Wrayson demanded anxiously.