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Mox vehiculum et vestes, et, si credere velis, numen ipsum secreto lacu abluitur. Servi ministrant, quos statim idem lacus haurit; arcanus hinc terror sanctaque ignorantia, quid sit illud, quod tantum perituri vident. XLI. Et haec quidem pars Suevorum in secretiora Germaniae porrigitur.

And now, in the gray dawn which broke upon that night of anxiety and excitement, alternating between hope and fear as frequent messengers, each guarded by a detachment of palace guards, appeared with fresh news from the convent, the weary senators strolled up and down in the great chambers opening on the sea façade of the Ducal Palace discussing the event in a more desultory way its meaning, its dangers, the achievements of the great man who might, even now, be receiving the viaticum in the convent of the Servi.

And just as the lady came to say "Mes amis, le diner est servi," up panted a Belgian cyclist with the news that German cavalry was advancing in strong force accompanied by 500 motor-cars with mitrailleuses and many motor-cycles, and a battery of horse artillery. It was another tragedy!

To this work the following is a proper supplement: 22. Recueil des Voyages de M. Thevenot. Paris, 1681. 8vo. Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi a l'Etablissement et au Progrès de la Campagne des Indes Orientates Hollandaises. Par Constantin. The best editions are those of Amsterdam, 1730, and of Paris and Rouen, 1705; each in 10 vol. 12mo. Recueil des Voyages au Nord, &c.

But the information was pleasantly echoed about, as the ranks of the Servi parted and an old man, with a face full of benignity, came forward, holding the hand of a boy with blue eyes and light hair, who walked timidly with him to the pulpit on the left, where the older man encouraged the shrinking disputant to mount the stair.

Fra Paolo Sarpi this friar so grave and great and unemotional had been since he had entered the convent in his precocious boyhood the central figure, fascinating the interest of his community by the marvel of his progress, so that those who had been his teachers stood reverently aside, before he had attained to manhood, recognizing gifts beyond their leading which had already won homage from the savants of Europe and crowned the order of the Servi with unexampled honors.

Before the days of Christianity, slaves alone were thus employed, and from the word "servi" or slaves these are called servile works. Here again it is the nature of the work that makes it servile.

The hides and yardlands held by the conquerors how much was in demesne, how many acres were wood and how many meadow the number of servi, and what the mill paid were duly translated and recorded.

It was a pity because the missive was mysterious, crumpled with long carrying and if a trusty member of their own community had delivered it to Fra Paolo in his cell, there might have been some revelation! But there was none. Fra Paolo was only a little more grave and silent than of wont; but often now he was so absorbed in government matters that he took less part in the social life of the Servi.

"Discourtesies!" ay, it was true; Fra Giulio did not know nobody knew; he would take courage and plead to be forgiven his manifold "discourtesies" toward this idol of the Servi; it was for this that he was summoned!