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For this is a most detestable & abhominable sacriledge, to make the unspeakeable truth of God to serue our wicked and most shamefull affections.

Bothe menne and women vse ther, to sette oute them selues with Iuelles of golde, as cheines, braselettes, eareringes, tablettes, owches, ringes, Annuletes, buttons, broches, and shoes embraudered, and spangled with golde, of diuers colours. The menne of warre serue onely for the defence of their countrey.

And this is the summe and effect of my message and commandement guien me by his Maiestie and the Lord Protectour. In witnesse whereof I haue written this with my owne hand, the 17. of December 1586. By me Edward Garland. In Trebona Castell otherwise called, Wittingaw in Boemia to which place this M. Edward Garland, came to M. Dee with two Moscouites to serue him, &c.

12 Remember what hath bene said vnto you touching the moring of your ships, &c. for vsing aduantage against the enemie, if you shall be assaulted in that place. 13 See that you serue God, abolish swearing and gaming, be carefull of fire and candles, &c.

Also you shall learne what commodities doe belong to the places where you shall touch, and what may be good for them. That the ground so serue, that it ioyne to the sea on the one part, so as shippes and boats may come to lade and vnlade. What molde of earth the ground is of. What timber or wood may be had, and how it will be caried.

Besides, in this voyage we doe not crosse the burnt line, whereby commonly both beuerage and victuall are corrupted, and mens health very much impayred, neither doe we passe the frozen seas, which yeelde sundry extreame dangers but haue a temperate climate at all times of the yeere, to serue our turnes.

In euery roome a stoue, to serue the Winter turne, Of wood they haue sufficient store, as much as they can burne. They haue no English glasse, of slices of a rocke. Hight Sluda they their windows make, that English glasse doth mocke. They cut it very thinne, and sow it with a thred In pretie order like to panes, to serue their present need.

Then Ceadwalla king of the Westsaxons being thereof aduertised, supposing the time now to be come that would serue his purpose, as one still coueting to worke the Kentishmen all the displeasure he could, entred with an armie into their countrie, and began to waste and spoile the same on ech side, till finallie the Kentishmen assembled themselues togither, gaue battell to their enimies, and put them to flight.

They sowe no more but that which they thinke will serue their turnes for sixe moneths, and that very scarcely. They eate all their meate broyled on the coales, and dressed in the smoake, which in their language they call Boucaned.

14 Also whereas diuers masters and artificers of our Nation are here in his Maiesties seruice, and do finde themselues grieued that they cannot haue licence to depart home into their natiue Countrey at their will and pleasure: the Queenes Maiesties request is according to her highnes writing in that behalfe, that not onely it will please his Maiestie to permit and suffer such artificers here resident in the seruice of his highnes to haue free libertie to depart and go home with me, if they request the same, but also all other the like which shall come hereafter to serue his Maiesty, to haue free libertie to depart likewise, without any let or stay.