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Junipero Serra's life-long friend, Father Palou was chosen temporary President of the Missions, for within a year he retired to the Franciscan College of San Fernando, where he gave most of his time to writing, and to him we are indebted for a complete and accurate biography of Junipero Serra.

The padres offered to remove the dam if the settlers were injured thereby, and also claimed that they were always glad to attend to the sick when their own pressing duties allowed. On January 14, 1811, Padre Francisco Dumetz, one of Serra's original compadres, died at San Gabriel.

Act III depicts the landing of Serra and Portola on the shores of Monterey, the taking possession of the land in the name of King Carlos III and the celebration of Junipero Serra's first Mass in Monterey; all facts are taken from the archives preserved in San Carlos Church, consequently historically authentic.

For years the saintly Serra's body was buried under a pile of debris, but his "sepulchre has become glorious" in spite of all. While this is of course a Catholic festival, reverent visitors of various creeds attend it. The mission is guarded by a care-taker, living in the premises of what remains of the old mission orchard. It was also due to Father Casanova, that Mrs.

The boats and the other party were already there, and in the valley to the north of the mesa, on the banks of the little San Diego River, they founded the first mission in California. Within a fortnight of Serra's arrival at San Diego, a special land expedition set out in search of Vizcaino's lost port of Monterey.

The Mission was dedicated to San Carlos Borromeo. Thus two of the long desired Missions were established, and the passion of Serra's longings, instead of being assuaged, raged now all the fiercer. It was not long, however, before he found it to be bad policy to have the Missions for the Indian neophytes too near the presidio, or barracks for the soldiers.

Of the privileged thousands who visited Monterey on November 23, 1913 and made a pilgrimage to Serra's tomb at San Carlos Mission, how many will efface that sight from their minds in years to come?

When Serra came to the establishment of the presidio, he expected also to found the Mission, and great was his disappointment. This undoubtedly hastened his death, which occurred August 28, 1782. It was not until two years later that Neve's successor, Fages, authorized Serra's successor, Lasuen, to proceed.

AT Padre Serra's death Fermin Francisco Lasuen was chosen to be his successor as padre-presidente. At the time of his appointment he was the priest in charge at San Diego.

Stevenson attended one of these celebrations, and was greatly moved by the sight of the pitiful remnant of aged Indians, sole survivors of Father Serra's once numerous flock, as they lifted their quavering voices in the mass.