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And he would sigh profoundly not the furnace sigh of a lover thinking of his mistress, but the heartfelt and moving sigh of the man of years and cares who has drunk deep of that cup of bitterness called Unappreciated Genius. George, Staten Island, on the other. A dimly lighted side-entrance presently loomed invitingly in the sergeant's path.

By the time he had done his hair in the sergeant's glass and twisted his moustache into shape he felt better still, and he went downstairs almost blithely. "I'm very sorry it was your father," he said, as he took a seat at the table. "Very." "That's why you laughed, I suppose?" said the girl, tossing her head. "Well, I've had the worst of it," said the other.

On the following morning, however, he had reason to question his good fortune when the sergeant's clerk brought him a cake, and remarked, significantly, "Put it in your pocket, sir; you'll want it; for my master won't draw bit till he comes to Norwich."

He remounted, rode onward out of sight beyond a thicket, and there waited for the brigade commander, now and then fingering his revolver. As Charlie was being placed in an ambulance by the orderly and a sergeant's wife, Waldron came up, reined in his horse violently, and asked in a furious voice, "Is that boy hurt?" "Ah fainted," he added immediately. "Thank you, Mrs. Gunner.

Now, the farmer was mortally afraid of the sergeant, knowing he had thirty ankers and more of contraband liquor in his cellars, and minding the sergeant's threat. None the less his jealousy got the upper hand. "Woman," he cries out, "to thy bed!" "I was waiting," said she, "to say the Cap'n's bed " "Sergeant's," says the dragoon, correcting her. " Was laid i' the spare room."

Snuggled down into the blankets on the narrow cot, he felt sheltered from the sergeant's thundering voice and from the cold glare of officers' eyes. He felt cosy and happy like he had felt in bed at home, when he had been a little kid.

Imagine our surprise and mortification, then, when we could plainly hear the reveille, and almost the Sergeant's voice calling the roll, while the answers of "Here!" were perfectly distinct. We could not possibly have been more than a mile, or a mile-and-a-half at the farthest, from the Stockade.

His muscles were weaving under the sergeant's grip, his eyes glowing as with volcanic fire waiting on the madness of impulse for eruption. "I wonder if it is really worth while to put him under arrest?" said some one at the edge of the group in amiable inquiry.

Lot of 'em 'ud try it back to God's country 'f 'twasn't so far." "Would, huh?" Johnny yawned. "Ye-ah, and then the officers are mighty hard on the ones they ketch ketch desertin', I mean officers are; when they ketch 'em, an' they mostly do." "Do what?" Johnny tried to yawn again. "Ketch 'em! They're fierce at that." There was a knowing grin on the sergeant's face, but no wink followed.

Yes of a Snake! and even as Dam's hand dropped limp and nerveless, the Sergeant's sword fell with a dull heavy thud on his head-guard. The stroke would have split Dam's head right neatly, in actual fighting. "Stop," shouted the referee. "Point to Red." "On guard Play" But if the Sergeant's sword flickered like the tongue of a snake why then Dam must be fighting the Snake.