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Phil turned his head to look at her, and as he did so he found to his great joy that his stiff white collar had disappeared. So, too, had the drab serge suit and the clumsy hob-nailed boots that had hurt him so. Instead, he wore a single garment of some soft brown, the colour of earth, girdled by a broad green belt that felt like velvet.

And she explained that she must speak to her lover that evening. "Where?" Serge asked, with astonishment. "Here," answered Jeanne. "But your husband?" the Prince said. "Is leaving in an hour. Our guests will not remain late. Go to the garden, and wait in the pavilion. The door of the back stairs leading to my dressing-room will be open. When everybody has gone, come up."

Five minutes passed and then the door opened and a gentleman entered. A pleasant faced, clean-shaven man of fifty, dressed in blue serge and with a rose in his button-hole, such was Doctor Hoover. But the eye of the man held him apart from others; a blue grey eye, keen, sharp, hard, for all the smile upon the pleasant face. Jones rose up. "Dr. Hoover, I think," said he.

When a small, girlish person, clad in a plain, close-fitting garb of navy-blue serge, and wearing a simple yet coquettish dark straw hat to match, accosted him at the Riversford railway station with a brief, 'Cab, please, and sprang into his vehicle, he was a trifle sulky at being engaged in such a haphazard fashion by an apparently insignificant young female who had no luggage, not so much as a handbag.

Stiff suits, looking like the body when discovered by the police, hung from hooks. Limp suits, with the appearance of having swooned from exhaustion, lay about on chairs and boxes. The place was a cloth morgue, a Sargasso Sea of serge. Archie would not have had it otherwise. In these quiet groves of clothing a regiment could have lain hid.

Directly after, to Marcus' great enjoyment, there was a repetition of the previous proceedings, Serge selecting another victim with his crook from the five prisoners, dragging him out into the middle, where Marcus, who now thoroughly enjoyed his task, attacked him as Serge fell back, and, between him and the other lads, the second prisoner was forced to fight; but it was a sorry exhibition of cowardice, resulting in a certain amount of punishment, before he too lay down and howled, and was then set at liberty.

Serge and I cannot repay you for your kindness; but we need not be too greatly indebted to you. It is my fault that you are to give this supper. It is I who ask you to give it up. I implore you, Ivan Mikhailovitch, give it up; or, if it must be, change the date from Thursday to Sunday and change it at the last minute. Also, if you pity me, do not show this to Serge, or to any one we know.

"I am going to take you to Harvey and Phelps to get a new dress and jacket," he said, severely. "I am not going to put up with that rusty old serge any longer," and Olivia had remonstrated in vain against such extravagance. It was all very well to blow bubbles and furnish Kempton Lodge from garret to basement, but when it came to spending Marcus's first cheque !

You must be mad to forget it. If you come a step farther I shall call out." "Call, then!" cried Serge, clasping her in his arms. Jeanne tried to free herself from him, but could not. "Serge," she said, paling with mingled anguish and rapture in the arms of him whom she adored, "what you are doing is cowardly and base!" A kiss stopped the words on her lips. Jeanne felt herself giving way.

So he trotted slowly back, making sounds suggestive of mutterings against his own stupidity, and dropped quietly down once more to watch. "Why, Serge," cried Marcus, "how could that dog manage to find us all this distance from home?"