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From the platform down to the pier was only some fifty yards, and before them the travellers perceived an exceedingly smart steam-launch, and a stout middle-aged gentleman, in a blue serge suit and yachting cap, advancing from it to greet them.

"Just see!" exhibiting a singed hole in her blue serge skirt. "However did a fire start in there?" questioned Cleo. "Let's see." But there was no need of investigation, for scarcely had they jumped from their places when a sheet of flame shot out from the open end of the otherwise innocent looking cask. "Land sakes!" declared Louise. "We were lucky not to be blown up.

Is it by short clothes of yellow serge, and swineherd horns, that an infant of genius is educated? And yet, as usual, it ever remains doubtful whether he is laughing in his sleeve at these Autobiographical times of ours, or writing from the abundance of his own fond ineptitude.

You'll be all right as soon as ever there's anything wants doing and we have tumbled by accident near to one of those parties of the enemy, who all seem to be moving the same way as we are to surround the army." "Yes, Serge, and that's what I am afraid they are doing, and keeping us outside. It's all desperate and bad." "Oh, I don't know. We shall get to them some time," said Serge.

Her beautiful gown against his common serge typified, as it were, the gulf between them. Her distress, her agitation, were in his mind due to her concern for Howard Quintan; and he told her again and again, with manly sincerity, that he would take good care of her boy. She knew he loved her. It had been plain to her for weeks past.

Popinot, penned up in a corner of the shop closed in with glass, might be seen in a serge apron and long sleeves of green linen, with a pen behind his ear, in the midst of a mass of papers, where in fact Birotteau now found him, as he was overhauling his letters full of proposals and checks and orders.

And the morn flowed up and beat against the mulberry tree against which Serge was leaning. And he himself resuscitated amidst the childhood of the morn. 'Serge! Serge! cried Albine, lost to sight behind the high shrubs of the flower garden. 'Don't be afraid, I am here. But Serge no longer felt frightened. He was being born anew in the sunshine, in that pure bath of light which streamed upon him.

And our patrons slept peacefully, delighted with their unpunished thievery, till a Gentile boy, one Serge Ivanovich, joined us on one of his own "nights." He was the son of the village elder, and a cousin of Peter Khlopov. He was compelled to obey Jacob, but the next morning he blabbed about it all over the village. Of course, our patrons were angry.

That's a good sign, isn't it, that he is not badly hurt?" "Yes, he's not going to be bad," said Serge, without so much as a glance at the sleeping animal. "Dogs always do curl up when they are hurt;" and he kept on staring anxiously ahead. "What are you looking for, Serge? More enemies?" asked Marcus. "No," replied the old soldier, though it was more like a grunt than a reply.

He would come home, at latest in a year, and remove every sorrow; and life would be one long shining path of happiness from youth to age. The light returned to her eyes, and the rose to her cheek; her step was once more light and springy, as she paced the lonely shore, dressed in her favourite white serge, and carrying her little white-robed baby in her arms.