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Castleman plied his knife industriously; Yolanda nibbled at a piece of meat between her dainty fingers, and Twonette gazed serenely out of the open window. Yolanda's words and Castleman's constraint filled me with wonder. There was to me a mystery about this little beauty that had not been touched on by my friend from Peronne. I hoped to gain information on the point by inducing Yolanda to talk.

Not without a manly interest in the world of men and politics, he lived for the most part serenely above its ferment and passions. Without the large means which, had they been his, had been in the truest sense and for the best purposes means, he lived a life of quiet, studious content, made somewhat hard by ill-health, but, so far as I know, undisturbed by envy of easier lots than his.

As he travelled the intervening space, shrugging his shoulders, staggering serenely, he told himself in confidence that he would leave the church at dawn, go to the tavern, purchase a horse as soon as might be, and get back to his wagon. The church door was unlocked, and he entered and made his way to the chancel, found surplices in the vestry and put a hassock inside one for a pillow.

Sometimes, walking at Anna's side to the beach on Sunday, a certain peace and content crept into Susan's heart, and the deep ache lifted like a curtain, and seemed to show a saner, wider, sweeter region beyond. Sometimes, tramping the wet hills, her whole being thrilled to some new note, Susan could think serenely of the future, could even be glad of all the past.

How that lump WOULD rise in the throat; how one fought to appear unconcerned. Big, awkward phlegmatic Britishers; unhappy beneath all this honouring it makes a man feel such a bally goat. Thus the people returned to France, while on the ground near by the still figures smiled serenely at the sky. Perhaps they knew!

'Very rich, Miss Niner; but very old, and very crippled. An amiable man, sensible much interested in you. He has just been expatiating on the affection that he has observed to exist between you and your uncle. Mr. Slinkton was holding his hat again, and he passed his hand up the straight walk, as if he himself went up it serenely, after me. 'Mr.

His words were hardly uttered when a temple priest crossed the courtyard and joined us. "Son," he addressed me, "I have been observing your face serenely glowing during hours of meditation. I saw the arrival of your party this morning, and felt a desire to put aside ample food for your lunch.

She felt as if he had returned from the dead. He was a wonderful boy. "Bravo! Bravissimo!" Serenely unconscious of her enthusiasm, the boy swam slowly for a moment, breathing the air into his lungs, then serenely dived again. "Vere!" called a woman's voice from the house "Vere!" "Madre!" cried the girl in reply, but without turning away from the sea. "I am here! Do come out!

My kindly host sat serenely in his place, and was not moved by a single wandering thought. They forbid all amusements all cards and games whatever, and all musical instruments; "one might have a flute, but nothing more." Also they regard photographs and pictures of all kinds as tending to idol-worship, and therefore not to be allowed.

That was the key Dave found in the door lock when he made his early morning tour of inspection. "But the young folks must be having their fun," he said indulgently, "and, short of burning down the place, 'tis not Dave McGuire who will be interfering with 'em." Mid-term tests were approaching. Bobby, who, with all her love of fun, was a hard student, felt prepared and went around serenely.