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Altogether a striking-looking woman, but with an absence of animation about her face, which had a calm, serene expression, effectually hiding any thoughts that might be passing in her mind, and which resembled nothing so much in its inscrutable look as the motionless calm which the old Egyptians gave to their sphinxes.

She is the dynamo, but the light and heat that she generates manifest themselves in the minds of her pupils, while she remains serene and quiet. =The thirteen colonies.= With the poet Keats she can sing: Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

If so, I will send it to you, as this new edition probably won't be ready when you come on here. Give my warm regards to your father and mother. Sincerely yours, Here was joy serene! But the boy's heart had acted queerly for a few days, and so the father wrote, thanked the President, and said that as soon as the heart moderated a bit the letter would be given the boy.

Of course, she had not expected to launch into such a reckless piece of expenditure all at once, she had only thought she might attain her modest ambition in the due course of time, and she thought so yet. She crammed bills and bank-note back into the purse with serene cheerfulness and shut it with a little snap of the clasp.

Surely some one with whom your heart would have been quite at rest; by whom your thoughts would have been undistracted from the channels into which your calling should concentrate their flow; in short, a serene companion in the quiet holiday of a trustful home! Is it not so?" "You interpret my own thoughts when they have turned towards marriage.

For instance, after the humility if I can call it so of the third cup, I am rewarded with an easy uprising of the spiritual man a greater sense of inward freedom an elevation of the soul a benign beatitude of spirit, that diffuses a calm, serene happiness through my whole being. "'That, sir, must be delightful.

With this awareness comes the conviction that the Empire of Love is boundless and limitless; that it permeates and glorifies the vast ocean of infinity! On the strong, swift tide of this shoreless ocean, the lover floats, secure, serene and confident, on his voyage toward destiny's most distant port.

"Westport," said he flatly, "I can ill bear your taunt concerning your Bath friends, and this is not to speak of the insolence of the person yonder." "Oh, ho!" said I. "Well, and the person yonder remains serene in his insolence." The Earl, smiling slightly, regarded the new speaker. "Sir Edmund Flixton was ever a dainty swordsman, picking and choosing like a lady in a flower-bed.

In the first instance, it is true, in a work of art, the soul of the artist is seen as invention in the detail, and in the total result as the unity that hovers over the work in serene stillness.

Unfortunately, he decided, in the dozen years of their marriage she had never evidenced any predisposition toward spring madness. She had never given his heart a moment's doubt. Herself tremendously attractive to men, seeing much of them, receiving their admiration and even court, she had remained always her equable and serene self, Dick Forrest's wife "Good morning, merry gentleman."