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Tara of Helium's first sensation was one of surprise that she had failed to have her own way. Then she commenced to feel concern not for her own safety but for the anxiety of her parents and the dangers that the inevitable searchers must face. She reproached herself for the thoughtless selfishness that had jeopardized the peace and safety of others.

The return of the Effinghams, after so long an absence, naturally produced a sensation in so small a place, and visiters began to appear in the Wigwam as soon as propriety would allow.

Suddenly, however, he paused again, edged furtively along the platform, as if pursued by something which he feared, struck out with his hands, uttered a loud, harsh cry and fainted. The sensation in the hall was indescribable. People rose from their seats. Women screamed, and, for a moment, there was a veritable panic.

Who had the right to prevent the susceptible Italian feeling the first impressions of the gentler sex and owing them to Césarine? He could but be thankful that he saw only the prologue to "the great dreadful tragedy of Woman." He might blame himself for cherishing the memory of the false wife, but he could not annul that early sensation.

I shall now ask all the rest, one by one, if they took any part in this. And beware of telling me a lie." There was an uneasy sensation in the room, and several boys began to whisper aloud, "Brigson! Brigson!" The whisper grew louder, and Mr. Rose heard it. He turned on Brigson like a lion, and said "They call your name; stand out!"

Doubtless Layard had gone to the church to propose to Stella, and she had accepted him, or half accepted him; the confusion of her manner told its own tale. A new and strange sensation took possession of Morris. He felt unwell; he felt angry; if the aerophone refused to work at all to-morrow, he would care nothing. He could not see quite clearly, and was not altogether sure where he was walking.

A faint numb sensation stole over her, and a dark shadow seemed to float through the room, yet her low voice was steady, when she said: "I am sorry I disappointed any pleasant anticipations you indulged with reference to the organ, which has certainly been a source of much comfort to me.

I'll force you back where you belong and I'll do it in my own way, too!" The little puff of popular interest in Felix Brand's disappearance and in the charges against him soon disappeared, as some other sensation of a day took its place in the newspaper headlines.

It was a sensation almost of hostility directed against Marcus Harding." "Ah, now!" ejaculated the professor, as if in despite of himself. "And where's the connection you speak of?" "Marcus Harding had constrained me to do a thing that in my soul I had believed to be wrong and that had roused my fear.

I experienced a sensation which I cannot here describe, as of one who had lost all interest in life, and who longed for death. There may be some among my readers who have experienced it, perhaps. I cannot describe it; I merely explain that I felt inert, inefficient, and bored with life. No such feeling had ever fallen upon me before.