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I will send some to the Gentils in the sea and the yls far of that haue not heard speak of me, and haue not sene my glory, shall preach my peace among the Gentiles. And againe chapter 49 I wil make waies vpon al my mountains and my footpathes shall be exalted, and behold these shall come from farre, some from the North and West, some from the land of Symis which is in the South.

Not that she had these words for her thought, but she had the thought distinctly through her dizzy pain. "So there's nothing to do about it," said Del, pinning her shawl. "We can't have anything to say to each other, unless anybody should die, or anything; and of course I'm not wicked enough to think of that. Sene! Sene! what are you doing?"

Thei belieue that there is one GOD that made all thynges, bodily and ghostly, sene or vnsene, and hym thei honour: but not with any maner of Sacrifice or ceremonie. Thei make theim selues litle pupettes of silke or of felte, or of thrumme, like unto menne: whiche thei sette vp vpon eche side of their Tentes, and do them muche reuerence, beseching them to take hede to their catteille.

A little digging in the earth revealed the green metal of an old powder-flask with a wooden stopper. I forced it open, and shook from its inside a twist of very dirty paper. There were some rude scratchings on it with charcoal, which I read with difficulty. Salut to Adventrs. Robbin Studd on ye Sumit of Mountaine ye 3rd dy of June, yr 1672 hathe sene ye Promissd Lande.

Vaudemont took the letter and read as follows: "DEAR WILLIAM, No go about the youngster I went after: all researches in vane. Paris develish expensive. Never mind, I have sene the other the young B ; different sort of fellow from his father very ill frightened out of his wits will go off to the governor, take me with him as far as Bullone. I think we shall settel it now.

Pretty Del turned her head. She had just flung a smile at a young clerk who was petting his mustache in a shop-window, and the smile lingered. One of the factory boys was walking alone across the Common in his factory clothes. "Why, there's Dick! Sene, do you see?" Sene's scarred mouth moved slightly, but she made no reply. She had seen him five minutes ago.

"Father, suppose some time there should be only you and me " "Well, well, Sene," said the old man sleepily, "very well." "I'd try to be a good girl! Could you love me enough to make up?" He told her indistinctly that she always was a good girl; she never had a whipping from the day her mother died. She turned away impatiently; then cried out and fell upon her knees. "Father, father!

Thei now marieng reason, with strength: and pollicie, with might: where the earthe was before forgrowen with bushes and wooddes, stuffed with many noisome beastes, drouned with meares, and with marshe, vnfitte to be enhabited, waast and vnhandsome in euery condition: by wittie diligence, and labour, ridde it from encombraunce, planed the roughes, digged vp trees by the rootes, dried away the superfluous waters, brought all into leauelle, banished barreinesse, and vncouered the face of the earth, that it might fully be sene, conuerted the champeine to tillage, the plaines to pasture, the valley to meadow, the hilles thei shadowed with wooddes and with Vines, Then thruste thei in cultre and share, and with wide woundes of the earthe, wan wine and corne plenteously of the grounde, that afore scarcely gaue them Akornes and Crabbes.

"And after this forth to the gate he wente, Ther as Creseide out rode a ful gode pass, And up and doun there made he many' a wente, And to himselfe ful oft he said, Alas! Fro hennis rode my blisse and my solas As woulde blisful God now for his joie, I might her sene agen come in to Troie!

"Del," said Sene, presently, "I smell the smoke." And in a little while, "How red it is growing away over there at the left!" To lie here and watch the hideous redness crawling after her, springing at her! it had seemed greater than reason could bear, at first. Now it did not trouble her. She grew a little faint, and her thoughts wandered. She put her head down upon her arm, and shut her eyes.